Family For Beginners - Page 132

“No.” Jack pocketed the keys. “But I thought if fighting about dog breeds was going to be tonight’s entertainment, I’d like to join in. And we can’t just get a dog without figuring out if we can give it a good home. We have to think it through. For example, who is going to walk it when Izzy is at college and you’re in school, Molly?”

“Flora will.” Molly dumped the responsibility on Flora without a second’s hesitation.

“What if Flora doesn’t want to?”

“We all have to do things we don’t want to do,” Molly said. “I have to tidy my room. And clear the table. It’s part of being a family.”

“You’re expecting her to pick up your dog’s poo.”

“It’s not my dog, it’s the family dog.”

Never had Flora thought that being taken for granted could feel so good. As they argued their way down the drive she hung back, giving herself time to enjoy the moment.

The gardens reminded her a little of Lake Lodge, and she remembered that she’d promised Clare some new photos. They emailed almost every day and used video chat every week or so. Flora was already looking forward to spending those few precious summer weeks in Lake Lodge the following year.

Jack, Izzy and Molly were still arguing about dogs, none of them prepared to back down or compromise.

They’d have plenty of times like this, Flora thought as she watched the interplay between the three of them. Plenty of laughter, probably plenty of fights, too. But that was family life. You could speak up, say what you thought, and still know you were loved and accepted. It was something most people took for granted, but she didn’t. She wasn’t sure she ever would.

Jack turned to see where she was, pausing to give her time to catch up and she smiled, warmed by the fact that he’d noticed her absence.

She hurried across to him, eager for their new life to begin.

If you loved Family for Beginners, then don’t miss out on more fantastic feel-good reads by Sarah Morgan!

One Summer in Paris

How To Keep A Secret


I feel lucky not just to be a writer, but to be working with incredible and talented publishing teams who work hard to put my books into the hands of readers. There are so many people involved that it’s impossible to thank all of them, but I appreciate the dedication that goes into each part of the process, from cover design to sales, marketing and publicity. Thank you to HQN in the US, in particular to Loriana Sacilotto, Dianne Moggy, Margaret Marbury and Susan Swinwood, also to Leo MacDonald, Cory Beatty and the rest of the fantastic team at HarperCollins Canada. In the UK, I’m grateful to the team at HQ Stories for their endless enthusiasm and hard work. I’m so lucky to get to work with you. Particular thanks to Lisa Milton and Manpreet Grewal. It’s easy to write about strong, inspiring women when I’m surrounded by so many role models.

My editor Flo Nicoll is an endless source of encouragement and great ideas. Without her I wouldn’t be able to write a thank you note, let alone a book.

My agent Susan Ginsburg is wise and calming, essential qualities to balance my overactive writerly imagination. I feel lucky and grateful to work with her.

My family displays endless patience when I focus obsessively on a book, offering love, support and food and never once suggesting a different career.

And to my readers, old and new, thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Turn the page for a sneak peek from the next irresistible Christmas book from…



‘I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.’

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol


When Gayle Mitchell had agreed to a live interview in her office, she hadn’t expected her life to fall apart in such a spectacular fashion in front of an audience of millions. She was used to giving interviews, and had no reason to think that this one might end in disaster, so she sat relaxed, even a little bored, as the crew set up the room.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024