Midnight At Tiffany's (From Manhattan with Love 0.50) - Page 29

“I’d call it rediscovering rather than reinventing. I spent last weekend sailing, with my brother. We talked about things we’ve never talked about before. Cleared the air. It’s going to take a while to get back to where we were, but I know it will happen. It’s another dream of mine

, and someone I know and respect told me you should never let anything get in the way of your dream.”

She felt a rush of happiness for him. “I’m pleased. Really pleased. Family is too important to let it go without a fight.”

“I agree. And now I’ve addressed my work life and family issues, all that’s left is my love life.” He looked deep into her eyes and she shook her head.

It was fine to pretend for one night, but extending the fantasy would lead to nothing but pain, and she had enough reality to deal with.

“This can’t possibly work, Chase. It’s isn’t real.”

“No?” He lowered his head and kissed her with erotic purpose until she was shaking, until the fire of pleasure melted her thoughts and all resistance left her.

How did he know how to do this? How did he know how to kiss like this? She relaxed against him, feeling the hard pressure of his body against hers.

Someone passing wolf-whistled, and she pulled away.


His gaze didn’t shift from hers. “Kiss me again and tell me this doesn’t feel real.” His voice was thickened with the same dizzying passion that was making her head spin.

“You know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t. I don’t see a single legitimate reason why we can’t be together.”

“Well, for a start you’re rich enough to buy a small country and I don’t even own an apartment. In fact, since I lost my job, I’ve had to give notice and soon I will have nowhere to live.”

“It wouldn’t have made economic or logistical sense to keep your apartment on once we’re married, so that’s one decision made for us.”

“Married?” She gaped at him. “Are you drunk?!”

“No, I’m decisive, as I keep telling you, but if you need a little more time that’s all right with me. As long as it isn’t too much time. I’m an impatient man, as you’ve already identified. And ruthless, and single-minded about getting my own way.”

“But—” She shook her head, dazed. “You can’t be serious.”

“You want me to prove how serious I am?” He took her hand and walked toward the door of Tiffany’s.

She stopped and tugged at his hand, half laughing, half embarrassed. A few people had stopped to watch, curious. “Wait! They’re closed.”

“Sometimes they open for special occasions. Me finally proposing to a woman is a special occasion.”

“Chase—” she was desperate “—you’ve spent one night with me.”

“The best night of my life. The first of many best nights of my life.”

The breath hitched in her throat. “I’m nothing like the women you usually mix with—”

“That’s true. Please don’t ever change.”

“We come from different places.”

“But as long as we end up in the same place, that’s all that matters. You were the one who told me that there are no obstacles that can’t be overcome when you care about someone. I know you love me. It’s in your eyes and in your smile. I can wait to hear you say it, and until you do I’ll keep saying it for both of us.”

Hope poked its way through the doubts. “You’re a man who thinks about every decision. You measure everything and—”

“Some things are too important to leave to logic.” He curled his hand behind her head and brought her face to his. “I love you. I want to make you happy. I’m going to make you happy. If you’ll trust me, if you’ll come with me, I’ll prove it.”

“Come with you where?”

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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