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Dr. Zinetti's Snowkissed Bride

Page 12

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‘That’s fine, because I’m thinking a maximum of ten. And then we’re going to do some practical sessions outside. How to survive a night in the mountains, that sort of thing. We need you and Rambo for that. The work of the search-and-rescue dog is important.’

Meg wanted to tell him that anything other than one on one was a large group in her book, but she didn’t want to look like a wimp. Although with strangers she definitely was a wimp. ‘I’d be rubbish. I wouldn’t have a clue what to say.’

‘We’ll work it out together.’ Something in his frank, appraising gaze made it hard to breathe and Meg forgot about Harry, who was happily munching his way through a chocolate bar in the bed right next to them. She forgot that she’d been awake all night worrying about Jamie and Dad’s Day. Because of the way Dino was looking at her, she forgot everything.

A warmth spread through her limbs and Meg was aware of every beat of her heart. And then he smiled.

At her.

Her insides melted.

The corners of her mouth flickered and she was about to smile back at him when a soft, feminine voice came from behind her.

‘Dr Zinetti. It’s so good to see you again—is there anything I can do for you?’

Meg turned to find the ward sister smiling at Dino. She knew her vaguely. Melissa someone or other. Always giggling with the crowd of girls from Radiography.

Staring at the woman’s freshly glossed mouth and smooth hair, the feeling of excitement left her. A cold feeling spread through her body. Turning away quickly, Meg dipped her head, feeling really awkward and furious with herself for being so stupid.

Dino hadn’t been smiling at her.

He’d been smiling at Melissa, standing behind her. And it didn’t take a genius to see why.

Melissa was the sort of woman who men found interesting. She was someone who took the trouble to straighten her hair before an early shift and apply lip gloss whenever a good-looking doctor walked onto the ward. Her uniform was slightly shorter than regulation, but not quite short enough to draw comment.

She was exactly like gorgeous Georgina.

Feeling the past rushing forwards to mock her, Meg suddenly wanted nothing more than to escape. The world was full of women like Melissa, she knew that all too well, just as she knew that the world was full of men who salivated over smooth hair, perfect nails and glossy lips.

Suddenly she felt grubby and unkempt. She was wearing the scrub suit she always wore for work in the emergency department—no doubt Dino was making several unflattering comparisons.

Her palms damp and her heart thudding, she shot to her feet and gave Harry a quick smile. ‘I’m off. Be good.’ She didn’t look at Dino. He was probably occupied ogling Melissa’s glossy mouth and, for some reason she didn’t want to examine too closely, she didn’t want to witness that.

‘I heard about your heroic rescue, Dino,’ Melissa was saying, and Meg quickened her pace as she walked towards the door. Within minutes they’d blatantly be arranging where and when to meet. Then Melissa would be giggling with her colleagues, planning what to wear.

Feeling as though she belonged to a different species, Meg hurried along the corridor towards the emergency department.

What had possessed her to promise Jamie she’d invite Dino to Dad’s Day?

It was a totally ridiculous idea. And it wasn’t going to happen.

No way. There were a million easier ways to make a complete fool of yourself.

She was going to have to find a different solution to Jamie’s problem.

‘Meg, wait—’ Wondering what had caused her to run this time, Dino strode after her as she sped towards the door. He caught up with her easily and grabbed her arm. ‘Wait! I want to talk to you.’

‘I have to get to work.’ Without looking at him, she shrugged him off and carried on walking. Her mouth was tight and she looked as if she was going into battle.

With a soft curse he caught up with her again and this time spun her round to face him, his hands hard on her shoulders.

Forced to stop, she made an impatient sound in her throat. ‘What?’ Her eyes were darkened by anger. It was like looking at the sea before a storm and Dino racked his brains to think what he could have done to whip up such a response from her. He’d always unsettled her, of course. He knew that, and he’d been biding his time. Treading carefully. Letting her get used to being around him.

For a moment he was tempted to tell her in blunt phrases exactly what it was he wanted from her, but his experience with women had taught him when to speak and when to go slow. With Meg Miller he was moving so slowly he was virtually standing still. One step forwards, two steps back. ‘Why did you run off?’

‘I didn’t “run” anywhere. I have to get to work, so I left.’

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