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Dr. Zinetti's Snowkissed Bride

Page 57

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‘What if she tries to make you?’

‘She won’t. Not when I’ve had a chance to talk to her properly.’ Dino stood up and held out his arms to the child. ‘I’m glad you like the present, but you need to be wearing a few more layers before you play in it or you’ll give your mum a reason to be angry with me. Let’s go inside and come out again when you’re dressed.’

As Jamie sprang into Dino’s arms, Meg discovered she was shivering, but whether it was the cold or the fact that Dino was there, she didn’t know.

What did he mean when he said he wouldn’t go away again?

Her mind spiralled round and round and it was only when she was back in the warmth of the living room that she realised that Jamie and her mother had left her alone with Dino.

‘There are things I need to say to you.’ Uncharacteristically hesitant, he shrugged off his coat and threw it onto the sofa. ‘Things I probably should have said to you a long time ago.’

‘There are things I need to say to you, too. I went over to your house. I wanted to see you. To talk to you.’

‘You did? I wish I’d been there and then perhaps both of us wouldn’t have suffered another sleepless night. I went for a walk. I needed to think.’ Lifting his hand, he brushed the dark shadows under her eyes with his fingers. ‘I owe you an apology for what I said the other night. I was way out of line.’

‘You weren’t out of line. Everything you said was true. I do sabotage every relationship. It is a ridiculous way to live. I am a terrible coward. All those things are true.’

‘I was too hard on you, but I was offended that you didn’t trust me. Offended that you’d think I was the sort of person who would go after Melissa just because she likes to walk around with most of her body on show. As if I didn’t have a brain or a mind of my own.’


‘And then I realised that the reason you didn’t feel secure in our relationship is because I’ve never given you any reason to feel secure. I’ve been holding back telling you how I feel because I didn’t want to scare you off. And that’s stopped you understanding why our relationship is going to work. I love you, Meg.’ He cupped her face in his hands and stared into her eyes. ‘I love everything about you. And I’m not talking about a sparkling blue dress or a pair of high heels. I’m talking about what’s inside you. I love your energy and your spirit. I love the way you won’t hesitate to risk your life to save an injured child, the way you’ll make split-second decisions when it’s life and death but haven’t got any confidence to choose a lipstick.’

Meg’s knees were shaking. ‘I suppose I’m just basically weird.’


‘I’m messed up.’

‘Human. And very beautiful.’

Her heart skipped and danced. ‘You can’t possibly think that.’

‘Meg, I grew up in a family that was completely obsessed with appearance and material things. I came to England to escape from the oppressive expectations of my family. Our home was like a museum and my mother was like one of those mannequins that you see at the waxworks. Beautifully dressed but with no heart or soul. In my entire childhood I don’t ever remember her hugging me. Not once. Yes, her nails were perfect and I never once saw her without lipstick, but she wasn’t a real person to me. You’re a flesh-and-blood woman with feelings and emotions, and you let it all hang out there. You’re so open and honest, so warm and emotional. You don’t do anything by halves and I love that. I love you, tesoro. Every single thing about you. I’ve waited for you all my life.’

Her heart clenched and she hardly dare breathe in case she disturbed the moment. ‘Truly? That’s how you feel?’

‘I thought it was obvious.’

‘No.’ She forced the word out. ‘No, it wasn’t obvious to me.’

‘Then perhaps you weren’t looking.’

‘I just didn’t think— I’m not…’ She gave a helpless shrug. ‘You’re so good-looking.’

‘I’m glad you think so.’ His smile was slow and sexy. ‘Say that to me again later when I’m in a position to do something about it, Mrs Incredible.’

‘I don’t deserve to be wearing these.’ Meg bit her lip. ‘I’m not Mrs Incredible.’

‘To your son, you are. And to me.’ He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her gently. ‘I just didn’t realise Mrs Incredible was this sexy.’

She laughed against his lips. ‘Oh please—sexy? It’s hardly sophisticated lingerie, is it?’

‘No—’ his eyes were amused ‘—which just goes to prove my point. It isn’t what you’re wearing that interests me. Although just for the record I think the pyjamas are cute. I’m assuming they were Jamie’s choice.’ He pulled her against him, leaving her in no doubt about the way he felt. ‘If you can do this to me wearing Mrs Incredible pyjamas, I don’t even want to think what you can do to me in sophisticated lingerie.’

She threw herself against his chest, her sob of happiness muffled against his chest. ‘I was so scared of getting involved with you. Right from the first day you strolled into the department with your lopsided Italian smile and your fancy car and your incredible body, I avoided you like measles.’

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