Dr. Zinetti's Snowkissed Bride - Page 58

‘I know. It took me a long time to win you round. You’re a hard nut to crack, Meg Miller.’

‘Do you know why I was so afraid?’ Meg sniffed and lifted her head to look at him. ‘Because I love you so much. If I lost you it would really matter.’

‘I know you love me. I worked that out during my long walk yesterday. And you’re not going to lose me, tesoro. Not now, not ever.’

‘Other women look at you all the time. Wherever we go, they look at you.’

‘If other women look at me, that’s their problem.’ He stroked her hair away from her face. ‘I make my own choices. And I choose you.’

Meg couldn’t breathe. ‘Dino—’

‘Let me finish. You told me you don’t want to spend each day wondering whether this will be the day when I tell you I don’t want to be with you any more. Well, you’re not going to be wondering that, Meg, because each day I’m going to be telling you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. You’re not going to be wondering, amore, because you’re going to know. You’re going to know I love you.’

Meg made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob and he brought his mouth down on hers in a possessive kiss.

‘Grandma, they’re kissing! You were right about the mistletoe. It’s magic.’ Jamie’s voice came from the doorway and both of them jerked backwards. ‘I want to play in my car. Dino, are you ready?’

‘Sì, yes.’ His voice was rough and his eyes were still on Meg, ‘I’m ready, but first I have a present for your mother.’

‘A present?’ Jamie leaped onto the sofa, his Batman cape flying. ‘Can I watch while she opens it? Grandma!’ he yelled at the top of his voice. ‘Dino is giving Mum her present. What is it? Do you need any help opening it, Mum?’

‘I don’t know, I…’ Bemused, Meg stood in the middle of the room and gasped as Dino pulled a small box out of his pocket. ‘Oh.’

Jamie’s face fell and he looked at her sympathetically. ‘It’s really small, but it’s the thought that counts, Mum.’

Fingers shaking, Meg undid the silver wrapping paper. A shower of tiny silver stars fell to the floor and she stared down at the black box with her heart bursting out of h

er chest.

Dino removed it from her hand and opened it. A huge diamond solitaire sparkled against midnight-blue velvet.

‘Dino…’ Meg whispered his name, her feelings overflowing.

‘Gosh!’ Jamie stood on tiptoe and peered at the box. ‘It’s a ring. Mum doesn’t really wear jewellery. She doesn’t wear rings, Dino.’

‘She’ll wear this one. This one says she’s mine.’ He took her hand in his and slid the ring onto the third finger of her left hand. ‘Marry me, Meg. I want to be with you and Jamie for ever.’

Tears scalded the back of her throat. ‘I don’t know what to say.’

‘You say yes.’

She smiled through her tears. ‘Yes—oh, yes—of course, yes.’

Jamie stared up at them, his eyes bright with tears. ‘For ever? You mean Dino is never going away again?’

‘I promised you I wouldn’t.’ Dino scooped him into his arms. ‘I promised you I wouldn’t let her push me away. I never will.’

Jamie buried his face in Dino’s neck, his small hands clinging. ‘Mine. You’re going to be all mine. My very own superhero.’

‘No, Jamie.’ Dino’s voice was husky as he held the child. ‘I’m not your very own superhero. I’m going to be your dad. We’re going to be a family.’

Meg closed her eyes, breathing in happiness and thinking of the future.

A family. Her family. A million moments, lived together.

Mistletoe and magic.

‘Talking of families…’ Her mother’s voice came from the doorway. ‘If you’d all like to come to the table, we have a turkey to eat.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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