Split Second (Sean King & Michelle Maxwell 1) - Page 54

King broke in. “For the challenge? To show they could beat the Secret Service?”


“They must have had inside info. Somebody on Bruno’s staff.”

“I’ve got some possibilities. We’ll have to check them out.”

“Great. But right now I’m going to grab a quick shower.”

“I guess exploring your past is a dirty business,” she said dryly.

“Boy, it sure can be,” he shot back as he walked up the stairs.

She called after him. “Are you sure you want to leave me alone? I might hide a nuclear bomb in your sock drawer and get you into real trouble.”

King went to his bedroom, flipped on the bathroom light, turned on the shower and started brushing his teeth. He turned to close the door, lest Joan get any weird ideas.

As he put his hand on the door and gave it a push, he sensed it was heavier than it should be. Far heavier, as though it had been weighted down with something. His adrenaline instantly surging, he eased it open with his hand and as it swung by, peered around curiously. The door’s momentum, together with its increased weight, caused it to come around and close firmly. He didn’t even hear the smack of the door against the jamb. His focus was entirely on the source of the extra weight.

He’d seen a lot of unsettling things in his life. Yet the sight of the Wrightsburg socialite and his former client Susan Whitehead hanging on the back of his bathroom door, her dead eyes staring at him, a large knife plunged right through her chest, almost dropped him to the floor.



AN HOUR LATER King sat on his stairs as the investigative teams finished up and the body of Susan Whitehead was removed. Chief Williams came over to him. “We’re done here, Sean. Looks like she was killed around five o’clock this morning. She goes for walks around then, I was told, and we’re assuming she was taken at that time and killed immediately. That’s why there wasn’t any blood on the floor in your bathroom. She bled somewhere else. Anything you can tell me?”

“I wasn’t here. I just got back from North Carolina.”

“I don’t mean that. I’m not implying that you killed Ms. Whitehead.”

There was just enough emphasis on the word “you” for King to look up and say, “And I didn’t have her killed either, if that’s what you’re so subtly implying.”

“Just doing my job, Sean. I’ve got a damn crime spree going on, and right now nobody’s above suspicion. I hope you can understand that. I know that Ms. Whitehead is your client.”

“Was my client. I handled her last divorce, that’s it.”

“Okay, I might as well ask you this because, well, there’s been talk around town.” King stared at him expectantly. “There’s been talk that maybe you and Ms. Whitehead were, well, seeing each other. Were you?”

“No. She might have wanted a relationship, but I didn’t.”

Williams’s brow furrowed. “Was it a problem for you? I mean I know how the woman could be. Pretty overwhelming.”

“She wanted something between us and I didn’t. Simple as that.”

“And that’s all, you’re sure?”

“What exactly are you trying to do here? Build a case that I had the woman killed because, what, I didn’t want to date her? Give me a break.”

“I know it sounds crazy but, well, people do talk.”

“Especially around here.”

“And Ms. Whitehead was very prominent. Lots of friends.”

“Lots of paid friends.”

“I wouldn’t go around saying that, Sean, I really wouldn’t.” He held up the note that had been pinned to the chest of the unfortunate Whitehead. It had been placed in an evidence bag.

Tags: David Baldacci Sean King & Michelle Maxwell Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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