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The Sixth Man (Sean King & Michelle Maxwell 5)

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“He didn’t ask about Sohan Sharma’s ‘accident.’ ”

“No, he didn’t.”

“Such an unpredictably violent world we live in.”

“Yes it is. New orders?”

“You’ll get them. When the time is right. Just stay on top of it all.”

She gave an almost imperceptible nod and Harkes departed. Then she finished her coffee and went back to her important work protecting herself and her country. And strictly in that order.




Close to midnight.

Visiting hours long over.

The tower guards patrolled their beats.

The concertina wire glistened in the strong moonlight.

The electrified middle fence was fully powered, ready to char anyone unfortunate enough to collide with it.

The outer gates swung open and the Yukon drove through.

No electronic checks, no vehicle sweeps. No requests for ID. No cavity probes. The Yukon raced down the road.

Next, the hydraulic blast doors on the facility hissed open. At the same time the doors of the Yukon swung open. Peter Bunting was the first one out. As his long feet touched gravel he looked around and pulled his trench coat tighter around him. His young assistant Avery was the only person with him.

Bunting’s private jet had touched down at a corporate jet park less than an hour away by car. They had come directly here.

Carla Dukes met the pair at the entrance.

“Hello, Carla,” said Bunting. “What’s the status?”

“He’s never said a word, Mr. Bunting. He just sits there.”

“Recent visitors?”

“The FBI. And those investigators, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell. And of course Mr. Bergin.”

“And he never said anything to them?”

“Not a word.”

Bunting nodded, somewhat reassured. He’d pulled many strings to get Carla Dukes assigned as the director of Cutter’s Rock. She was loyal to him, and right now he needed her as his eyes up here. Who Edgar Roy really was had to be kept from everyone, including his lawyers and the FBI.

“Tell me about King and Maxwell.”

“They’re persistent, clever, and tough,” she said promptly.

“Former Secret Service,” said Avery. “So no surprise there.”

“I don’t like surprises,” said Bunting. He nodded at Dukes. “Take us to him, please.”

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