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The Sixth Man (Sean King & Michelle Maxwell 5)

Page 72

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He didn’t seem to hear this. “And she never said how her stepfather died.”

“Easy enough to check, but that seems a little far afield, Sean.”

He turned to look at her. “Unless it’s all connected.”

“You’re talking a long time period, then.”

He looked back out the window. “Why would a woman like that move to a ramshackle house in the middle of nowhere? She’s not farming. And her country accent was a bit too well done.”

“Well, she did grow up in Virginia. And they do have accents down here,” drawled Michelle.

“Lot of questions,” said Sean absently.

“What do you think about her advice with the Bureau?”

“It was good actually. Riley is a lawyer for the defense. You just can’t detain her indefinitely. In fact…”

He took out his cell phone and punched in a number. “Still no answer. Okay, let’s do this the hard way.”

He keyed in another number. “Agent Murdock? Sean King here. What? Yeah, we took your advice and went home. But we’re coming back. But that’s not why I’m calling. You’re holding the defense counsel in a case you’re investigating. That breaks about a dozen ethical and other laws I can think of off the top of my head. I either hear from her in five minutes that she’s free and on her way to Martha’s Inn, or the next time you see me it’ll be on CNN talking about Bureau overreach.” Sean paused as the other man said something. “Yeah, well, try me. And you now have four minutes.”

He clicked off.

Michelle glanced at him. “And what did he say?”

“Basic blustery bullshit.” He looked at his watch. Ten seconds past the deadline Sean’s phone buzzed.

“Hello, Megan, how are you doing?” He paused. “Excellent. I thought Agent Murdock would see it my way. We’re down in Virginia but we’ll be heading back up very soon. Go to Martha’s Inn and stay there. No visitors. Do nothing. And if Murdock comes near you again, call me.”

He clicked off and put the phone in his pocket.

“What have they been asking her?”

“She didn’t say. From the background noise I think she was in a Bucar getting a ride back to the inn.”

“Do you think they told her about Hilary?”

“No, at least she didn’t mention it.”

“Wait till she finds out I was the one who probably shot her.”

“Michelle, you don’t know if it was you, so stop driving yourself crazy about it.”

“Easy for you to say.”

He started to make a retort but then stopped and patted her arm. “Actually, it is easy for me to say. I’m sorry.”

“So when are we heading back up to Maine?”

“As soon as we check out Roy’s farm and talk to the local authorities.”

“Doubt they’ll be much help.”

“No, I think they will.”


“Up to this point it seems everyone believed that Roy was guilty. Now, with Bergin and Hilary dead, something Roy could not have been involved in, it might make people take a second look. And cops are no different.”

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