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The Sixth Man (Sean King & Michelle Maxwell 5)

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She clutched the card. “Have you seen Edgar? I mean up in that… place?”

“We have.”

“How is he?”

“Not that good.”

“Could you tell him that Judy says hello? And that I believe in his innocence,” she added in a firm tone.

“I will.”

They climbed in Michelle’s SUV and started off.

She said, “Okay, Edgar’s got at least one person rooting for him.”

“Make that two. His half sister.”


“So he just stops coming to work one day. His IRS boss clams up. Nobody is told anything. And he takes a risk and calls his friend and tells her he has a new job and that it’s sensitive.”

She scowled. “And Murdock is counterterrorism. So it’s got to be national security, you know, spy stuff. And you know how much I hate spy stuff.”

“What, you mean the double and triple backstabbing and multiple agendas for every scenario?”

“More or less, yeah.”

“So if he’s wrapped up with the spies? Why?”

“Because of his mental prowess, probably.”

Sean shrugged. “I don’t know what else he has to offer other than his height. And I doubt the CIA or any of the other spy mills have a basketball team. So he’s in with the spies and then this happens. His new employer must be having a cow.”

“Accounts for all the guys with guns in black suits, satellites, and Bureau involvement.”

“I’d like to look at the medical examiner’s report.”

Michelle grimaced. “Let’s hope the locals are a bit more cooperative than that IRS clown. I’m expecting to get audited any day now.”



TWO HOURS LATER Sean had a copy of the ME’s report and other forensic details.

“Let’s hope this gives us something to go on,” said Michelle.

“You’d think if there was some smoking gun in here the police would’ve already acted on it. This case has been going nowhere. And I don’t think it’s just because Edgar Roy is sitting in a federal nuthouse.”

“Strings are definitely being pulled,” replied Michelle. “This sucker is being executive-lagged big time.”

“Which goes to show the forces behind the scenes.”

“Yeah, scary forces.”

“Let’s grab something to eat and see if we find anything in this report.”

Over sandwiches and coffee Sean read the report and discussed parts of it with Michelle.

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