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The Sixth Man (Sean King & Michelle Maxwell 5)

Page 136

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Bunting looked away, the answer to that question easily read in his desperate features.

“You’re in with the sharks, Mr. Bunting. Sharks will attack anyone or anything. They’re predators. Pure and simple.”

“You think I don’t know that?” he said in a hollow tone. “I had nothing to do with any of those people dying. What happened to them sickens me.”

“I actually believe you.”

Bunting looked surprised. “Why?”

“You stepped out of your palace back there and had the courage to meet with me, alone. That says a lot.”

“It’s not nearly as easy as you think it is, King. The people involved. There are almost no limits to what they can do.”

“Edgar Roy is the key. If his innocence is established and he’s released from Cutter’s?”

“That’s a big if.”

Sean leaned forward. “I think you have to ask yourself a question, Mr. Bunting.”

“What’s that?”

“Do you want to stay in the water with the sharks or try to reach dry land? If you stay in the water, I only see one conclusion for you. Do you disagree?”

“No, I don’t,” said Bunting frankly. “I’ll let you know.” He paused. “And I appreciate what you’re trying to do. Especially with Edgar. He doesn’t deserve any of this. He’s a good, kind person with a truly unique brain. He’s just caught between forces he knows nothing about.”

When he rose, Sean put a hand on his arm. “I know you need to think about this, but keep in mind that we don’t have much time.”

Bunting almost smiled. “Believe me, that one I know. But let me tell you something else. Even if we prove Edgar is innocent, this may not end.”


“Because that’s just not how the game is played.”

“It’s not a damn game,” retorted Sean.

Bunting gave a weary smile. “You’re right, it’s not. But some people still think it is. And they play it for all it’s worth.”



SEAN QUICKENED HIS PACE. There were only a few people on the street as the weather had deteriorated; rain was now falling and the wind was gusting.

A voice came into his right ear through the bud he’d placed there.

Michelle’s voice was tense. “Sean, there’s a black Escalade, tinted windows, out-of-state plates coming on your six.”

“Doesn’t have to be connected to me.”

“It’s moving fast and cutting through traffic for no apparent reason.”

“Did Bunting call anyone?”

“Not that I saw, no. He’s still walking back to his place, hands in pockets. But they might have followed him and waited till you two split up to go after you.”

“Okay, what’s the best move?”

“Go into the park at the next entrance. Pick up your pace. Now.”

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