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Steel 7 (Multiple Love)

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I want to step forward and give her that choice right now, but if she says no, if she chooses to walk away, I don't think I could take it.

It's not kind to force her into a corner, not kind to her or kind to us.

Sometimes the end of a situation is the best thing for everyone. Fighting doesn't always lead to victory.

Luna nods at Connor's best wishes, wrapping her arm across her body in a way that seems as though she's trying to hold herself together but could just be impatience.

I thought I felt the emotion behind her kisses and in her fingertips, but we never made each other promises. Now I wish I had the courage to tell her how much better my life has been with her in it. Maybe it would sound selfish, or maybe just pathetic.

"Anytime," Asher says.

We all mumble our agreement because it's the only thing left to do.

She brings her hand to her lips, kisses it lightly, and blows it; then she breaks out of the protective circle that we've gotten too used to forming around her and into the circle of new bodyguards.

They're an older group than we are. Maybe Adam at Blueday selected them because they'd be less of a temptation. Still, if Luna was really driven only by her physical urges, maybe she'll indulge in the same kind of arrangement with her new security team.

I feel sick at the thought and sick with myself for imagining she'd think so little of us.

Luna's a great person. Kind and thoughtful. Bright and bubbly. Confident yet vulnerable.

I'd trust her with my life, just as I trust my Steel 7 brothers.

I'll keep the memories of our time together wrapped up tightly next to my heart.

As Luna disappears through the doors, we stand frozen for a few seconds. We have no purpose now – no reason to be in London at all.

"We should have told her," Asher says softly as we gather our luggage and make our way to the exit.

"Told her what?" Hudson shrugs, his huge frame carrying the air of the defeated. "That we love her? I told her that in a hundred kisses and touches. She knows, Asher. It just wasn't enough."

As I step into the London rain, I have no idea what to believe.

But either way, none of it really matters anymore.



As soon as I switch on my phone, I am bombarded with messages. The screen lights up with icons that tell me my voicemail box is swamped, and WhatsApp has gone mental.

In the back of the limousine, surrounded by strangers, I feel so alone. I can’t face listening to the ranting of anyone who cares more about money than they do about me, so I ignore everything apart from the messages from my friends and family.

Jordy is first. What the fuck, girl? You look like you’re living some different dreams from the ones I expected from you. Seven bodyguards, eh? I would call you Snow White, but those hulking dudes look nothing like dwarves. Can you call me or something? I mean, I’m sure this radio silence breaks the bestie code in some way. Shouldn’t I be the first one to know your gossip? Or should I say, shouldn’t I be the first one to hear the juice. Sex gossip is definitely bestie territory. Did I say call me? Call me!

Damn, I want to hear my friend’s voice. I want to joke with her about guy stuff like we used to. I want everything to feel less like it’s shattering my insides, but there is no way I’m making juicy confessions surrounded by my new bodyguards, and anyway, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t mention the names of the men she’s seen me with in the pictures without breaking down.

Tyler’s messages are more worried-sounding. Sis, are you okay? I’ve seen the pictures and no judgment from me. At least, what I mean to say is that I’m good if you’re loving life. Just want to check that you are loving life, and the pictures aren’t anything a big brother should be worried about. Not even sure if what I’ve just said makes sense. Love you baby girl.

I smile at his rambling because I can tell he’s treading on eggshells, not really sure how to be toward me. There was a time when he would have just said exactly what he thought, but we’re not there right now. Maybe one day we will be.

There’s a message from Sandy, Tyler’s girlfriend too. Just to let you know that your momma’s doing well in the facility. She’s talking about a release date, but I think she needs to stay longer. Oh, and by the way, I’m pregnant. Ready to be an auntie?

Auntie Luna. It has a cool ring to it.

For a second, I wonder if she knows that it’s definitely Tyler’s baby, but then I realize that it doesn’t really matter who the biological father is. All the men in their relationship will step up to be a parent to their child. That baby is going to have six amazing daddies. How cool is that?

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