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Rescuing Karina (Whiskey Run Heroes 4)

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The conversation continues until finally I decide to put in my two cents. “We can use me as bait.”

Everyone is quiet, and I can tell it’s a good idea by the looks on Dylan’s, Logan’s, and John’s faces. But then they look at Knox, and the smiles stop.

“No, we won’t be doing that,” Knox says immediately, making me feel stupid.

I sit and stew the rest of the time, and it isn’t long before all the guys leave with the promise they’ll return the next day once they have more intel.

As soon as Knox shuts the door behind them, I put my hand on my hip. “What was that about? You acted as if I’m stupid or something.”

“No I didn’t,” he says, walking through the house.

I’m too mad not to follow. Normally, I would be nervous about being alone with a man, but not with Knox. I have no fear when it comes to him. I don’t even worry about running my mouth to him. “Yes, you did. You know it’s a good idea to use me as bait. I’m what he wants.”

Knox stops and whirls around to face me. My back is pressed against the wall, and he’s towering over me. If it was anyone else, I would be scared. But I’m not with him. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” he says, but instead of looking into my eyes, he’s staring at my lips. His hand comes up and cups my jaw. I have to force myself not to fold into his embrace. The heat coming off him is like a heated blanket that I want to curl myself into.

He strokes his thumb across my cheek. “You have the most beautiful lips, Karina. They are begging to be kissed.”

All the air rushes out of me in an oomph. He bends closer, and I don’t take a breath; I don’t move for fear that he’s going to stop.

I swallow nervously, and before I can second-guess myself and ask him to stop, his lips press to mine. The moan escapes me before I can stop it. His hand controls the angle of my face, and he moves me, fitting his mouth over mine in a tortuous kiss that leaves my whole body shaking. I reach up and grab the front of his shirt. I should push him away, but I don’t. I pull him closer. His kiss is experienced, and he groans into my mouth, bringing me to my senses. I push him away, gasping for breath. His lips are swollen and wet, and I wonder if I look the same.

He’s looking at me strangely. “Karina? I’m sorry...” he starts.

I shake my head, not wanting him to apologize for giving me the best kiss of my life. I can see it on his face. He already regrets it. “I’m going to bed.”

I almost whisper the words before I slide underneath his arm and to my bedroom. I shut the door and fall back against it before bouncing off the wall and into the bathroom. I turn on the lights and look at myself in the mirror. I’ve never felt anything like what Knox just did to me, and it’s plainly written on my face. My lips are swollen, wet, and puffy. My eyes are two shades darker, and there’s a bright tinge of pink giving color to my cheeks. I look... well-loved.

I put my fingers to my lips, and they’re still tingling from his kiss. I may be new to this, but I know I want him to kiss me again.


As soon as she walks away, I stand with my forehead pressed against the wall. I take deep, soothing breaths in an attempt to calm myself. Kissing Karina invokes feelings inside me I’ve not ever felt before. It’s almost too much to wrap my head around. I can’t believe I kissed her like that when she’s in such a vulnerable state. How could I do that? She’s just so... fucking perfect, strong, sexy, curvy and mmmm.... fuck, what am I doing?

I should go to apologize to her, but I can’t right now. I need to put some space between us. I open my gun safe and pull out my guns. I take my time, cleaning each weapon before putting them away. It’s way after midnight, and I should be asleep after the day I had, but I know even if I tried, I wouldn’t be able to.

I lie down and toss and turn for hours. Before the sun is even up, I’m dressed in shorts and tennis shoes and step outside, set the house alarm, and take off running. I stay on the property because I want to be close in case Karina needs me, but I run until I’m exhausted and know that I have to go back.

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