Baden (Pittsburgh Titans 1) - Page 91

Once again, someone knocks on my door.

Figuring it’s just Gage with something he forgot to tell me, I open the door without looking.

And I’m stunned to see Sophie standing there with a rolling suitcase.

Her eyes rove over me critically, paying special attention to my face. She steps over the threshold and doesn’t hug or kiss me but rather puts a palm to my forehead. “You’re not running a fever. That’s good.”

I’m speechless. She moves past without another word, and I take a moment before shutting the door to look out in the hall. Sophie is here in New York, and I can’t believe she’d come alone. There’s no one out there, so I suspect maybe Frankie’s down in the lobby.

Maybe her parents?

Sophie dumps the suitcase near the dresser and peruses the medicine on the bedside table, nodding in approval. “Would have totally suggested the same, but we need to get you some zinc. That will help knock the crud out of you.”

I finally shake out of my disbelief and ask, “What are you doing here?”

Sophie turns and smiles brightly as she removes her coat. “You didn’t think I’d let you be sick all alone, did you?”

I’m so confused. I glance back at the door, then to Sophie. “You came to New York because I told you yesterday I wasn’t feeling well?”

“You were feverish, chills, sore throat, and you had a cough. That could easily become something bad. Of course, I came.”

“It’s a cold, Sophie. That’s it.”

“But I didn’t know that then, did I?” she replies pertly.

“So you… got on a plane and flew here to check on me?” I’m agog with possibility. “Did Frankie come with you?”

Sophie’s expression clouds over and then her eyes flare as if she’s surprised. “You know… I didn’t even think once about asking her to come. Or one of my parents. You were sick, I was afraid it would get worse and you wouldn’t take care of yourself, so I packed a bag and hit the airport. They had a flight out at five a.m.”

It sinks in, and I feel like I’ve been bowled over with the realization.

Sophie just traveled by herself to New York City to check on me.

“I have a cold,” I repeat dully, trying to comprehend why she would do that. And then a wave of euphoria and pride and wonderment crashes through me. My voice is a little too loud. “Holy fuck, Sophie, you came to New York and I have nothing but a cold!”

She put aside all her fears… for me.

And all I have is a cold.

I start for her, intent on picking her up and swinging her around in glee, but a distressed frown pinches her face.

“Oh my God,” she whispers apologetically. “Am I being overbearing? Too clingy? Was this stupid? Did I embarrass you?”

Fuck, she’s cute.

I lunge at her, wrapping my arms around her tight. I swing her around once, twice, three times before twisting to bring both of us down on the bed. She shrieks and then laughs as I land halfway on top of her. Before she can protest, I’m kissing her with every bit of passion I can muster.

She’s simply amazing.

When I lift my head, Sophie beams up at me. “So it’s okay that I’m here?”

“It’s monumental, Sophie. Just the other day, you couldn’t walk out of a grocery store, and now you’re braving the mean streets of New York to get to me. I’m fucking in awe.”

“Well”—she sniffs, a prim tone to her voice—“you are far more important than shepherd’s pie.”

I laugh before kissing her hard. “I hate you came all this way for nothing. I’m feeling much better.”

Sophie shrugs. “No biggie. I can head back on the next flight.”

I kiss her again, harder yet, because she’s unbelievable. “You’re not flying anywhere. You’re going to stay and come to the game tomorrow.”

Her arms encircle my neck. “Are you sure that’s okay?”

I snort. “Sophie… do you realize what you’ve done?”

Once again, her eyes cloud with confusion. “No… what?”

“You got on a plane. By yourself. Which means you drove to the airport and parked, or you Ubered, both of which cause you distress. You navigated New York City by yourself to get to this hotel. You braved the world to come check on me, and all I have is a stupid cold. You crazy girl, what possessed you to do such a thing?”

Sophie’s eyes soften, her head tipped slightly downward in what might be considered a bit of shyness. “I came because I love you, and that’s more important than anything. No fear could ever hold me back from getting to you.”

The breath is knocked clean out of me. This is something so shattering to my world, I can’t take it lying down. I push up off the bed, hauling Sophie with me.

My hands go to her face. “You love me?”

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Pittsburgh Titans Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024