Bring Down the Stars - Page 89

Another short pause, then, “Goodnight, Autumn.”


I hung up the phone and stared at it, shocked at what I’d just done. What I’d said to her. The truth that poured out of my heart and the emotion flooding back from Autumn to me.

You mean, to him.

Connor was staring at me, eyes wide. “Dude…”

Disgust flooded me, slugged through my veins—thick and cold—dousing the warmth I’d had with Autumn on the phone.

You didn’t have anything with Autumn, you selfish asshole. You tricked her…


I blinked and gave my head a shake.

“That was awesome, man,” Connor said. “You said everything right. Perfect.”

“Yeah,” I muttered. “Perfect.”

Connor frowned. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

“Overthink it. It’s not a big deal,” he said. “When she started to cry, my mind went blank. It’s so much easier to shut up and hug a girl when she’s upset, you know? I’m better with that. Over the phone, it’s rough. But you knew just what to say. To make her feel better.”

To make her happy. That’s all that matters.

I clung to that thought, fighting the rising tide of wrongness for deceiving Autumn. Again.

“She’ll come to Boston for Thanksgiving,” I said, my Southie accent coming back after being carefully locked up for the phone call. My jaw ached.

“Thanks, man,” Connor said. “That’s awesome. You’re a miracle worker.”


He cocked his head. “You’re good, right?”

“What? Yeah. Fine. Just tired. And sore from the track spill.”

He nodded. “So. Can I have my phone back?”

I realized I was still holding it. “Oh, right.” Reluctantly, I handed it back.

Handed Autumn back to Connor.

“Thanks, man.”

“Yeah, no problem.”

No problem at all. Except that I’ve dug us in deeper. Dug Autumn in deeper to Connor. Dug myself deeper into lies, and she’ll never forgive me…

A little more than a week later, Autumn surprised him by flying home and coming directly over to our place.

“Hi,” she said softly, dropping her bag.

“Hi,” he said.

Tags: Emma Scott Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025