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Thirty Days to Win His Wife

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“The one I thought had a perfect marriage. To make a long story short, I had apparently been given the romantic fairy-tale version for little girls. But in reality, I think I got what I wanted anyway. I’ve always dreamed of having a marriage like hers and, ironically, we’ve gotten pretty close to achieving that. At least the start. We’ve just got fifty-some odd years of togetherness to go.”

Tyler smiled and kissed her again. “I can’t wait.”


Four months later

It was happening. The day Amelia had been waiting for since she was five years old had arrived, and sooner than she’d expected.

When a late-summer wedding was postponed, she and Tyler had jumped on the chance to book their moment in the chapel. From there, it was months of excitement and planning. While she had toned down the event, once she started putting together their wedding, there were some details she found she just couldn’t skimp on.

Her gown was the most beautiful dress she’d ever worn, a dazzling ivory-and-crystal creation. Her veil was long, draping down her back and spreading across the gray carpet. The pastor was reading a passage about love and the bonds of marriage as Amelia stood on the raised platform and looked into the eyes of the man she loved.

Turning briefly toward the crowd that filled the chapel of From This Moment, she could easily pick out the faces of the family and friends who had joined them h

ere today. It was just the way she envisioned it—the important people in her life witnessing this important moment.

For years, Amelia had planned a wedding with no groom in mind. But looking into Tyler’s eyes, she knew that he was the most important part of this day. More important than a beautiful dress or a fancy cake.

They had arranged this wedding because he’d wanted her to have the moment, but it wasn’t necessary. The key ingredients—him and her—had been there at their first wedding. The only difference was going through the ritual and repeating the words with love and tears making their voices tremble as they spoke. The words meant so much more this time.

“And now, I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Tyler pulled her into his arms, a smile spreading across his remarkably clean-shaven face. Amelia felt her heart skip a beat in her chest when he looked at her that way. She hoped and prayed he would look at her like that for the rest of their lives.

“I love you,” Tyler whispered.

“I love you, too. And,” she added with a smile, “I’m pregnant.”

His eyes widened for a moment before an excited grin changed his whole face. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

His lips pressed to hers in an instant, and she melted into him. The hundreds of people around them faded away. The roar of applause was just a faint buzz in the background, the flash of Bree’s camera no match for the fireworks going off beneath her eyelids. She felt a thrill run down her spine and a warmth spread through her body. It wasn’t until the pastor cleared his throat that they pulled apart. “Later,” the pastor assured them. A rumble of laughter traveled through the audience.

Amelia blushed as her sister, Whitney, handed back her bouquet. She slipped her arm through Tyler’s, and they turned to face the crowd and their new, exciting future together.

“Ladies and gentleman, I’d like to present Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Dixon.”

Arm in arm, they marched down the aisle of scattered rose petals to start their life together. As they stepped through the doorway as man and wife, she realized this was the moment she’d dreamed of. Not the wedding, but the beginning of their life together. At last, they had a happily-ever-after for them both.

* * * * *

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