Touch Me - Page 37

He spoke without turning around. "No."

She smiled. "Good."

He left, closing the door behind him. It wasn't until she heard the key turning in the lock that she realized he had taken it with him. She jumped up and ran to the door. She shook it.

She put her mouth near the doorjamb. "Pierson?" she whispered. Then more loudly, "Drake, come back here." The only answer was the sound of receding footfalls. Sacre bleu. The dratted man had locked her in.

* * *

Chapter 7

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Lady Upworth has friends traveling to the West Indies: Mr. and Mrs. Merewether. He has to leave England for his health and has decided to open a shipping office in the Islands. Lady Upworth has made arrangements for Thea and me to travel with them. Melly, that paragon among maids, has agreed to accompany us. I have put off the inevitable long enough. I tried to wait one more Season with the hope of seeing my son when Langley brought him to Town, but Lady Upworth has informed me that Jared is to be left at Langley Hall this Season. His nurse thinks it is best.

April 3, 1799

Journal of Anna Selwyn, Countess of Langley

Drake smiled as he remembered the sound of Thea's furious voice calling to him through the locked door.

He'd returned in the morning and unlocked it before her maid had woken. No one would be the wiser about their activities the night before … except him. He hadn't liked locking her in her cabin, but short of standing outside the door all night long, he hadn't known how else to ensure her safety.

She was too reckless by half. She didn't even know enough to avoid the passion that sizzled between them whenever they touched.

She was such an innocent—although after last night, not quite so. Memories of how she had shivered in his arms made his body grow taut and hard. They were only three days from port. He could keep a rein on his need until then. Once they were in London, he would make arrangements for a wedding by special license. He would not use her and discard her as his father had done to his mother.

Thea would undoubtedly argue at first, but after the events of the previous evening, even she had to realize they must be married. He knew she liked her independence, but she would grow accustomed to marriage. After all, as she herself had pointed out, it did have some benefits.

He reached Thea's door and knocked, expecting Melly to answer. Instead, Thea opened the door. She looked beautiful in a bright yellow gown. Her hair was dressed loosely and he had the impression that a few well-placed tugs and it would all come tumbling down in one silken mass.

"Don't look at me like that," she snapped.

"Like what?"

"Like you want to touch me."

"Why not?"

"I'm angry with you. Do not tell me you did not expect such a reaction."

He sighed. "About last night."


"I will apologize if you wish it." She had been so free the night before, but some womanly self-preservation must have finally asserted itself.

He would prefer to have this conversation in private. He edged into the room, and surprisingly, she did not object.

She turned to face him, shutting the door behind her. "Indeed, I do. I'll have your promise it will not happen again."

"I cannot make that promise."

She glared at him. "I must insist."

His frustration finally erupted over his desire to be patient and understanding with the clearly skittish female. "Bloody hell, Thea, do you truly believe after what happened last night that I can promise not to touch you again? I'm flint to your tinder and vice versa. It would be a promise I couldn't keep and I cannot, in honor, make it."

She stared at him as if he'd gone mad. "What are you talking about? I did not ask for your promise not to touch me again. In fact, I clearly remember you promising not to ignore me in future."

Tags: Lucy Monroe Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024