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Touch Me

Page 38

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She would drive him daft. "What the hell are you prattling about? I thought you wanted me to apologize for last night."

"I do." She crossed her arms under her chest and shot blue fire at him from narrowed eyes. "I will not be locked in my room like a naughty child, and I do not care if you are the owner of this ship."

He started to laugh. He couldn't help it. She never said or did what he expected.

Her frown turned deadly. "Do not laugh at me, sir."

He pulled her toward him and kissed her soundly on the mouth before setting her away again. "I will try not to, but Thea, you do please me. I will also strike a bargain with you. I won't lock you in if you give me your word of honor that you will not attempt to lure your attacker and will not leave your cabin unless you are escorted."

"Are you saying that if I don't make this agreement, you will imprison me in my cabin?" She sounded outraged.

He shrugged and let her draw her own conclusions.

"Oh, very well." She wasn't happy about giving in. "It was a sound plan."

"It was not. Do I have your word of honor?"

She looked at him quizzically. "You would trust it?"

He didn't hesitate. "Yes."

"Then you have it. Now, regarding the other matter."

Wariness filled him. "Yes?"

"What did you learn from the first mate?"

Relieved that she was discussing her misfortune and not their passionate interlude, he relaxed. "Not a bloody thing."

"If we don't lure out the villain, we may never find him."


She bit her lip, her agitation palpable. "But Drake—"

"You gave your word."

"And I will keep it, but there must be something we can do."

"The first mate is asking if anyone saw a seaman leave quarters last night around the time you were attacked."

"Good, but is that enough?"

"It will have to do for now." He would not allow her to be put at risk.

She looked at him with those startlingly blue eyes and he wondered what she was thinking. No doubt she was frustrated he could not do more to find her attacker.

"I should like very much to learn how to give you the wonderful feelings you evoked in me last night."


p; The effect of her words on his body was instantaneous. He wanted to toss her on the neatly made bunk and muss both her and the covers. However, he wouldn't, couldn't do it to a woman who spoke like a mistress, but blushed like a virgin.

He extended his arm to her. "Although I find your interest in that area most gratifying, it will have to wait, my dear. My aunt is expecting us for a game of cards."

Her face fell. "Not whist. I'm terrible at that game. And your aunt is a shark."

"I'm afraid so."

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