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Touch Me

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"No. I never want to see my father or have anything to do with him. He destroyed our family with his mistrust and harshness. He has no place in my heart."

Drake lowered his mouth until it was almost touching hers. "What about me? Do I have a place in your heart?"

He didn't understand the look of fear that came into her eyes. "Please, let us talk no more of this."

He wanted her to admit that she was coming to care for him, but the desperation in her voice swayed him. "Very well. There are more interesting things to do with our lips than to talk."

The kiss consumed them both. One moment they were sitting side by side on the edge of his narrow bed and the next he had her beneath him, his tongue deep in her mouth. She moaned.

He fisted his hands in her hair, and kissed her with all the uncontrollable desire that overtook him every time they touched.

She locked her arms around his back, pulling him closer until he wondered how she could breathe with his weight covering the length of her.

She tasted sweet. Like the ginger candy his grandfather's cook used to make at Christmastime. He begged the cook for more and she always warned him he'd get sick of it, but he never did. Thea was the same. He wanted her constantly, and the few stolen moments when he could actually touch and taste her only whetted his appetite for more.

The bells rang for the second watch.

He groaned and pulled his lips from hers. "Thea, we must stop. My aunt is expecting you for tea."

"I sent Melly to your aunt with my apologies. I told her I needed to prepare for arrival in port."

Since she had taken less than two hours to prepare for the entire journey, he knew her excuse was a ruse.

She smiled up at him, her eyes full of feminine mystery. "Melly is spending the next few hours with friends she has made aboard ship. Please, Drake, make love to me."

He had meant to wait until after they were wed to teach her more of passion, but all of his good intentions went up in the bonfire he saw in Thea's eyes. She was as unpredictable as the wind and he found the desire to sail her course irresistible.

* * *

Chapter 8

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The Merewethers are the kindest people. They insist that Thea and I make our home with them. Ruth adores children and has always been disappointed that she never conceived. Ashby has asked me to stay as a favor to his wife, both because Thea brings her so much joy and because he feels badly that Ruth has left all of her English friends behind to travel to this tiny island with him.

September 7, 1799

Journal of Anna Selwyn, Countess of Langley

Drake stood up and Thea's heart cracked with desolation. He was going to say no. Averting her gaze, she fought to hide her feelings of mortification at his rejection from him.

The sound of fabric sliding against fabric drew her attention. He was in the act of removing his cravat. He had begun unbuttoning his waistcoat before she realized the significance of his actions.

He was going to make love to her.

She wanted to say something, anything to break the expectant silence now filling the room. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing would come out. Her throat felt locked in rigidity as she watched the two sections of his waistcoat separate to reveal the fine lawn of his shirt.

She should be doing something. Not just sitting there like a child watching a puppet show. She pushed herself off the bed and started to undo the tapes of her gown.


She stopped moving at the harsh sound of his voice. She stared at him. Had she misunderstood?

He pulled her to him, an undecipherable emotion in his eyes. "I want to undress you."

"All right." She was trembling so much, she doubted she could finish the task herself anyway.

She waited while he removed everything but his smalls. They tented away from his body where he bulged in arousal, and she felt her first tremor of trepidation. Perhaps the snug fabric overaccentuated his endowment.

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