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Touch Me

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Suddenly her thoughts fragmented until only one remained. She wanted to feel him inside her. "Pierson."

"What, love?"

"You must finish it. I cannot stand this torment."

He kissed her breast and then stood. She watched in wonder as he pulled off his smalls to reveal his swollen manhood. If his finger had filled her so completely, how was he ever going to fit? She licked her lips. "Um, do you think perhaps there is a small problem with the disparity in our sizes?"

He rejoined her on the bed, this time kneeling between her legs, pushing them apart. She felt at once vulnerable and powerful because she knew that she and she alone was responsible for the look of naked need on his face.

"We will fit, but it will h

urt at first, Thea. I know of no way to avoid the pain."

The genuine concern in his voice assuaged her fears as nothing else could have. "Tell me what to do."

He leaned down and she felt his hardness brush against her as his lips covered her own. He kissed her softly and then with increasing passion until she could not help straining against him.

"Yes, that's right, Thea, show me how much you want me."

He fit himself against the entrance to her and pressed forward. It did hurt. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

He stopped. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his breathing was labored. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, feeling anything but, although she found herself comforted by the genuine care in his tone.

He took a deep breath and expelled it before brushing her cheek with his hand. "It will get better."

Leaning up until he was almost sitting, he tucked his thumb into her nest of curls and gently rubbed her just above where their bodies joined. She relaxed as pleasure overtook the pain once again. He slipped inside some more and stopped when he met the barrier.

He continued his ministrations with his thumb as his other hand again found her breast. He played with her nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger until she thought she would go mad with the wanting.

"Pierson," she panted his name desperately. "I can't stand this. It is too much."

She felt the precipice and knew that this time she would not be alone in going over.

Her body tensed as she arched up toward him, pressing him farther into her passage. She felt the pain, but could not give it proper notice as the pleasure threatened to swamp all her senses. She gripped his thighs, needing to feel the solid strength of his muscles beneath her fingers as her mind splintered into a thousand fragmented sensations.

She convulsed and he thrust into her fully. The pain was instantly swallowed up in pleasure as he withdrew and thrust again. As he filled her completely, she fell over the precipice, knowing that when she came to land, he would be there to catch her. She wanted to scream her pleasure, but he leaned forward and locked his lips on hers, thrusting his tongue into the interior of her mouth.

One, two, three more thrusts and then she felt the incredible sensation of him spilling his seed into her. His body went completely rigid as he found his release. His life had just joined with her own. She could never be whole without him again. She pushed the thought away, even as it formed in her mind. He thrust twice more, groaning against her mouth as he shuddered each time.

Finally, he collapsed on top of her and they lay like that, panting together as their heartbeats slowed.

He lifted his head and kissed her temple. "Did I hurt you?"

"Yes, a little."

He touched her face, his finger gently following the line of her jaw. "I'm sorry."

She smiled. "I'm not. I had never imagined that there could be such beauty between a man and a woman."

Or that it could alter her so completely. She still feared marriage, but could not help wishing her life could be as linked with his as her spirit was in the joining of their bodies. She wanted more than this stolen time with him. But it was impossible. She did not even know if he planned to go to London from Liverpool. Perhaps she would never see him again. The thought brought unaccustomed tears to her eyes.

He looked at her with grave concern. "What is it?"

She did not know if she could put it into words. She started to cry in earnest. "I was just thinking that once we are in port, I may never see you again." Her words came out stuttered between sobs.

He smiled. The insensitive lout. "That would be most inconvenient. I believe that in the general course of things, husbands are required to see their wives, at least upon occasion."

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