Touch Me - Page 50

However, as she began describing her attacker, she realized that the captain was intelligent and no doubt did know his crew as well as Drake had stated. He asked very pointed questions until she had described the villain with more detail than she thought she had remembered.

"Did he have a tattoo or anything of that nature?"

She tried hard to remember if that had been the case. She had seen the man for such a short time. "He had a gold earring, I think. Oh, and when he turned to run away, I noticed that his pants were ripped on the backside." She felt her face heat. "I don't think he was wearing any smalls."

A spark of recognition gleamed in the captain's eyes.

Thea leaned forward expectantly. "Who is it, sir?"

"A bloody bounder who should have been tossed off the ship before now for slacking. Hartford P. Fox."

Drake tensed next to Thea. "Who?"

"The lazy good-for-nothing got caught sleeping on watch and was demoted from his position as second mate. I made him a regular sailor and sent him back to live in quarters again. It appears he's as disloyal as he is lazy."

Relief washed over Thea. "Then he will be easy to find, won't he?"

"Yes," said the captain.

She turned to Drake. "You will allow me to question him, won't you? It's very important that I discover who hired him."

"You aren't coming within ten feet of the man. Have you forgotten that he tried to throw you overboard?"

She ignored Drake's glare and the officer's grunted agreement. "And I stopped him. There will be no danger. After all, you will be there and he will be bound, I am certain."

She looked to the captain for confirmation. "He'll be put in chains the minute I get my hands on his worthless carcass," he assured her.

She turned back to Drake. "There, you see."


"I must insist."

"You may insist until your voice grows hoarse with it, but I won't allow you to be in danger."

She tried to yank her hand from his, but he held tight. "You are not my lord and master, Mr. Drake, and I will not have you dictating my actions. I will speak to this villain, whether you like it or not."

She probably should not have spoken so forcefully because Drake's manner became acutely intimidating. He leaned over her until she had to arch her neck to maintain eye contact. She could feel the angry heat of him, he was so close. "While you are on my ship, I am responsible for you."

She swallowed. He certainly had an overweening sense of accountability. "Is that clear?"

She nodded. He had made his stance perfectly clear, but that didn't mean she had to like it or submit. However, she didn't think that right now was the time to tell him so.

"We'll find Fox and take him belowdeck for holding," the captain said. "I'll send word when we have him in custody."

Drake acknowledged the captain's words without breaking eye contact with Thea. "Thank you, Captain."

Thea heard the man get up and cross to the door and then leave, shutting it behind him. Still, Drake kept his gaze fixed on hers. "Explain to me why you are so determined to talk to the man yourself."

She could no longer keep her secret. She had to have Drake's cooperation in questioning the villain, and he wouldn't give it as long as he still believed she'd offended one of the passengers aboard ship with her abolitionist rhetoric enough to incite revenge.

"It began about six months ago, although it's possible that it has been going on longer. I did not become aware of the problem until recently and I've only had time to review the last six months of ledgers."

As she spoke, Drake's gaze turned from angry intimidation to uncomprehending surprise. "Someone has been trying to kill you for six months?"

She frowned. "Do not be melodramatic, Pierson. That is not what I am saying at all."

"What the bloody hell are you saying then?"

Tags: Lucy Monroe Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024