Touch Me - Page 58

"Then marry me."

Longing so strong it nearly knocked her over lanced through her. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"I've already told you."

"You aren't afraid of anything else, why are you such a coward about this?"

She felt like he'd slapped her. She wasn't a coward. She wasn't. She was just realistic. Marriage entailed too many sacrifices for a woman and not enough benefits. Besides, she had made a promise to her mother. A promise she must keep.

"You don't understand."

"Then make me understand." He pulled her into his arms, and she wanted desperately to stay there for the rest of her life.

Pushing the impossible thought away, she struggled to get free. "Let me go."

"Explain why you won't marry me."

"I promised her. She was dying and she only wanted two things from me." Her heartbeat was loud in her own ears. "Don't you understand? I couldn't refuse."

He went completely still and she stopped her struggles.

"Your mother made you promise never to marry?"

"Not exactly." She owed him the entire truth, although it hurt to say it out loud. "I promised her I would never marry a man like my father."

Suddenly she was freeā€”and she wanted nothing more than his protective arms around her once more.

But from the look on his face, he'd never hold her again. "You believe I'm like your father?"

"I don't believe you are cruel, but you are a hard man, certain of your own opinion and intent on having your own way."

Much like herself, she could admit, but marriage would give him the power to win against her strength of will. The law and society were both heavily weighted in a man's favor.

"You want to marry some spineless creature to ensure he can never hurt you like your father hurt your mother?"

The incredulous tone in his voice left her in no doubt how ridiculous he found that possibility.

"I don't want to marry anyone," she assured him.

His brows tipped in mockery. "What about this afternoon?"

"It was wonderful."

"I know you liked it, but have you considered the consequences?"

Wasn't she dealing with them right now?

"What consequences exactly are you talking about?" In his current frame of mind, she wasn't making assumptions about anything.

"A child. A bastard baby that will suffer all that I have and more if you refuse to give it my name."

The words slammed into her like a gale force wind. "A baby?" She stumbled backward until she sat on the chair. "I hadn't thought."

"Obviously." His expression chilled her to the very marrow of her bones.

She laid her hand against her stomach, wondering if new life had been created there in their coupling on the narrow bunk in Drake's stateroom. "Surely just the one time cannot create life."

Tags: Lucy Monroe Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024