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Touch Me

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She collapsed against him, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. "When we make love, I cannot tell where I leave off and you begin. It is as if our bodies are one."

She couldn't know how revealing her words were. She might not realize it, but she had as good as admitted that there was no going back for them. They were too linked, inescapably connected by the miraculous things that happened when their bodies united.

He held her for several minutes, the room silent but for their harsh breathing slowly returning to normal and the sound of the mantel clock ticking away the passing time. He let his gaze wander around the library and smiled. He would not have described this particular room as seductive, but he would never again be able to enter it without thinking of this time with Thea.

The clock chimed the hour and she stirred against him. "Your aunt will be expecting us in the drawing room for tea soon."

He carefully disentangled their bodies, gently setting her off his lap. "You are right. If we are to discuss our investigation, we must hurry."

"Is that why you came?"

He shrugged. No need for her to know how desperate he had been to touch her.

She grinned. "You got sidetracked."

"Yes. But now we must focus on the task at hand."

She stood up and brushed her skirts into smooth folds again. "So you are saying that you had no intention of seducing me when you came into the room?"

He couldn't see her face as she bent to straighten her clothes, so he could not tell if she was teasing him or not.

He sidestepped her question. "We need to discuss the thief at your shipping company."

"Oh, that must be why you locked the door. You didn't want to be disturbed or overheard discussing that sensitive subject."

His hands stilled in the process of tucking his shirt back into his pants. "Are you mocking me, Thea?"

Her head came up and the sparkle of amusement in her eyes brought an answering smile to his lips.

He stalked toward her and breathed in satisfaction at her retreat. "You tease me at your own peril, little baggage."

She tried to dart around him, but he caught her. "If we were not expected downstairs for tea, I would exact retribution."

The smile left her face.

Her blue eyes grew luminescent. "I must be shameles

s because even knowing that your aunt expects us, I want you to."

He caressed her cheek. "Admit you belong to me."

He hated the look of wariness that settled over her features. He bit back a stream of curses only with great effort. He kissed where his fingers had just touched.

She sighed and turned until her lips touched his.

She kissed him gently, then stepped away. "I'm afraid."

Her admission touched him. It could not be easy for a woman with her pride to admit the weakness of fear.

"What is it you fear, Thea? Do you fear me?"

He didn't even like asking the latter. The possibility that she might say yes tore at his insides. She had said once she believed him to be like her father. Did she believe that still?

She turned and moved toward the desk. Stopping, she absentmindedly turned the pages of the ledger sitting on top. He wanted to repeat his question, but forced himself to wait patiently for her answer.

"I fear marriage. I fear living in England amidst people so preoccupied with one's appearance that they cannot possibly know a person's heart. I fear for my uncle's safety, that I will not discover the thief in time. I fear my aunt will die and leave me when I have just found her." Her voice broke. "How could I have waited so long to come? She invited me often, but I waited. Because I was afraid."

The last of her words came out in a broken whisper. He strode across the room and laid his hand on her shoulder.

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