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Bodyguards In Bed

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“They all love you.” He knew that much from things Roman had said.

“They keep secrets. They share with each other, but think I’m too young to know, or something.”

“They’re just protecting you.”

“They think I’m a security risk.”

“You are telling me stuff I doubt they want others to know.” Not that he considered her a risk, but she needed to be more circumspect, especially when it came to Roman.

Who was in Africa right now on a black-ops mission commissioned by the Army. But Danusia was right, neither Roman nor Max worked for the military anymore. They were agents for the Atrati, a paramilitary organization that did a lot of work for the government, but was not under the government’s official aegis.

“You’re one of them, if not a spook, something super secret.” He opened his mouth, but she put up her hand. “Don’t. Don’t lie to me. Just don’t say anything if all you’re going to do is deny it.”

He had an insane urge to tell her the truth, which was absolutely not going to happen. “You sure this isn’t your superhero obsession playing tricks with your brain?” he asked instead.

She stood up, grabbing her plate and his. “Never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“But you did.”

“Right. So, I guess I am a security risk.”

Well, shit.


Danusia adjusted the hand towel on the rack after wiping down her brother’s marble countertops.

She’d insisted on cleaning the kitchen on her own, telling Max that it was only fair since he’d cooked. He’d seemed like he was about to argue and she’d given him the look, the one she used on her big brothers and sister when she was absolutely adamant about getting her way.

Max took the hint and left.

Thank goodness for small favors. She co

uldn’t believe she’d set herself up for disappointment like that. He’d been right about one thing—she’d let her imagination run away with her.

Oh, not about her sibs, but about the connection she’d thought she’d made with Max. He might find her sexy; he didn’t have a reason to lie about it anyway. But they weren’t friends and even if they had sex, they weren’t about to become lovers.

Men like him did not have full-on relationships with women like her. The fact was she knew most people didn’t want to. No matter how hard she tried to fit in, her intelligence made most people give her a wide berth. It was hard to make friends, even in the academic community. She was lucky her roommate had stuck with her through college. Even though Rebekah was four years older than Danusia, she’d never let that get in the way of being the younger woman’s friend.

Rebekah was the only person in Danusia’s life who didn’t push her away or treat her like she was different or a freak. In fact, she treated Danusia more like a little sister than her own siblings. The main reason for not going to Rebekah when Danusia realized she didn’t want to stay in the apartment alone had been her fear of finally wearing out her welcome with the other woman.

So, she’d come to what she’d d to be Roman’s empty apartment and ended up sharing with Max. The one man she found more interesting than even her doctoral thesis.

Max was no more interested in being real with Danusia than her brothers and sister. So what? She was used to being lied to and kept at a distance, wasn’t she?

If they weren’t smothering her with protectiveness, her family kept her as far away as possible. Even her parents and baba had insisted she attend a university too far away from them for her to live at home.

For her own benefit of course—the physics and chemistry departments were second to none. Thank God she’d been placed in a room with Rebekah her first semester. Homesick and terrified by the campus living, Danusia had glommed onto a kind and extremely patient Rebekah, who helped the younger girl navigate her strange new world.

Rebekah had steered Danusia toward the lab when she was feeling out of place and taught her that no matter her age, sex, or circumstance, this was somewhere she would always belong.

So, Max wasn’t going to be her boyfriend? That wasn’t some big surprise, was it? And it didn’t mean Danusia had to abandon all the plans she’d been making since showing up in Roman’s apartment and discovering it wasn’t as empty as she’d expected it to be.

She’d never had good sex, much less any in the amazing category. She just knew Max would be amazing. Even if she wasn’t all that great at it. She could learn and a man like him, he could teach her.

She was tired of fantasies and loneliness. She didn’t know how long she had in the apartment with Max, but she was going to take advantage of whatever she did have.

With that in mind, she went looking for her brother’s liquor supply. Not that he’d ever offered her a drink, though she’d been legal for more than three years now. Everyone in the family except her mom and baba treated Danusia like she was still a teenager. Mom and Baba? Wanted her married.

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