Bodyguards In Bed - Page 54

Good thing he had his ass parked on the sand, because he’d swear he’d suddenly gone all lightheaded. Christ, he hadn’t even thought about that. The lack of a condom and the health issues were bad enough, but he could’ve knocked her up.

Oh, shit.

What did that say about him? What he’d done was not only stupid and immature, but damned irresponsible. He’d put not only his own health in jeopardy, but hers, as well.

She could be pregnant. With his child. Despite the coolness of the sea breeze blowing in from the ocean, he broke out in a sweat.

Fidelity. Bravery. Integrity.

So much for the Bureau’s motto being his own personal credo. He’d managed to fuck up all three in less than twelve hours all because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. One very careless moment could very well change both of their lives forever.

He tightened his arms around her. “If you are pregnant, I will be around to help out.”

“Gee, free babysitting.” She laughed. “How lucky can a girl get?”

He frowned. “I don’t think it’s funny, Alyssa.”

Something in his tone must’ve caught her attention because she scooted forward slightly and looked at him over her shoulder. A frown drew her eyebrows shly together. “Sorry. The sarcasm was apparently lost on you.” The fear and uncertainty in her eyes belied her blasé tone.

He cupped her cheek and dragged his thumb over her lower lip. “Anyone ever tell you, you have a smart mouth?”

“My mom,” she murmured, then kissed his thumb. “Every day. Got me into more trouble, too.”

She shifted in his arms until she was facing him. “Look, I don’t know your religious affiliation or where you stand on the woman’s right to choose issue, but you should know that if I am pregnant, I will be keeping the baby.”

“You don’t have to do it alone,” he told her. How exactly he planned to manage that when he lived on the East Coast and she was in California, he wasn’t sure. But there was never any question in his mind that he would do the right thing.

“I was raised by a single mom after my father died. My mom was raised by a single mother with no father in sight, either,” she said. “But the difference was, my Granny Belle was rejected by her very uptight Southern Baptist family. She left home, moved to California and raised my mom on her own. She did what she had to do to give my mom what she’d needed. Love, support. She waitressed, picked up bit parts and worked as an extra. Whatever it took, she did, so don’t worry about me. I come from a long line of strong women.”

His own frown deepened. He didn’t like where this conversation was heading. “I accept responsibility for my actions.”

She stood and dusted sand from her backside. “So do I,” she said. “But I might not even be pregnant. And if I am, I’ll handle it, thank you very much.”

She bent to scoop up her shoes. “I’ve had enough fresh air.” She extended her hand, which he took and pulled himself to his feet.

“You don’t have to do anything alone,” he said, bending over to pick up his own shoes.

“Look,” she said, stuffing her arms into the sleeves of his jacket, “we really don’t know each other. We screwed up. In a few weeks, we’ll know if I’m pregnant. Let’s not compound an already stupid mistake by making promises neither one of us intends to keep. Okay?” She turned away and stalked off toward the hotel.

What the hell? No, it wasn’t okay.

He willed his feet to start moving, but all he could do was stand there and stare at Alyssa as she hurried across the sand toward the hotel. What if it turned out she was pregnant with his kid? What would she tell their son or daughter about him? That he was some guy who blew into town, lied to her about who he really was, knocked her up, then hightailed it back to wherever he came from?

Like hell.

Regardless of what she might think of him, he wasn’t the kind of man to leave her high and dry. He didn’t shirk his responsibilities. End of story. If they had created a child together, then he’d see to it he was a part of his kid’s life.

And if he had to get a court order to make it happen, so be it.

That thought finally got him moving. He took off after her, jogging to catch up with her before she reached the hotel.

The situation had changed. He had to tell her the truth. Now. They wouldn’t know for at least a couple of weeks whether she was pregnant or not, but that didn’t change the fact that she deserved—no, needed—to know the true identity of the man who could very well have fathered a child with her.

“Alyssa, wait!” he called out, but he was too late. She’d skirted around the building and had slipped inside the warmth of the lobby before he could reach her. Fine. He’d tell her as soon as they were in their room. Better to do it where there was no chance of distractions.

He caught up with her just as she was stepping inside the elevator. He slipped in behind her and pushed the button for the third floor. “We’re not finished,” he said.

She pursed her lips and stuffed her hands into the pockets of his jacket. A half grin suddenly tugged her lips as she pulled out the box of condoms. “I guess we’re not.”

Tags: Lucy Monroe Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024