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The Italian's Virgin Acquisition

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‘It sounds a bit Machiavellian,’ she commented.

‘My grandfather doesn’t mean it to be. He just has a bee in his bonnet over my single status.’

‘Because you’re the last Castiglione male.’


‘Well, that’s a relief, because he seemed really nice when I met him.’ She frowned. ‘But what about one of your other relatives? Can’t they run the company?’

‘Giulietta is in fashion, Giancarlo is a flourishing wine maker and Nicolette is in engineering. Since my uncle is an artist and my aunt a homemaker, they were never contenders.’

‘So that leaves only you.’

‘Yes.’ His tone was curt. ‘My father would have taken over but... Anyway, my grandfather means well. He just thinks I work too hard.’

‘Everyone thinks you work too hard,’ Poppy said lightly. ‘It’s admirable on one hand and a bit scary on the other. Even your social engagements are usually for work.’

‘I run six miles a day. Sometimes more.’

She made a face. ‘Running? Seems like more work to me. Not that I don’t admire the results.’

Realising what she had just revealed, she blushed, and his eyes gleamed with interest. ‘Did you just tell me you found me attractive, Poppy?’


His smile told her he knew she was lying. ‘That’s a relief because I’m not your type, remember?’

‘Well, you’re not if we’re talking boyfriend material, but as a boss you’re pretty sensational.’

‘So what is boyfriend material for you?’

‘Um, I don’t know.’ She smoothed her hair back behind her ears. ‘Someone kind and considerate. Someone with a sense of humour and who is interested in making a difference in the world.’ Someone who would love her for herself and understand that she would always put her brother’s needs first. ‘You know, the usual suspects.’

‘You didn’t mention money.’

‘I’d rather find someone who was trustworthy than someone with a large bank account. And anyway, I intend to make my own money so I don’t have to rely on someone else for the rest of my life.’

He shook his head. ‘I find that hard to believe.’

Poppy blinked at him. ‘Why?’

‘My experience of women is that they’re all looking for a man to pay the bills. Are you telling me you’re the exception to the rule?’

‘Since I pay my own bills and am happy to do so, I suppose I am.’

Uncomfortable with the way he was studying her, Poppy cleared her throat. ‘Maybe you should tell me where I’ll be sleeping so I can get ready for dinner.’

With me, was Sebastiano’s first thought.

Don’t be an idiot, was his second.

He wasn’t sure if this beautiful, guileless woman was for real but some deep-seated part of him wanted her to be. She’d been surprising him ever since he’d collected her from her flat, and he’d only realised when she had opened her front door how much he had been looking forward to seeing her. He had even made an excuse to visit the legal department during the week, and that impulse had irritated him so much he’d filled the rest of his week with back-to-back meetings.

He didn’t know what it was about her, but she got to him. Those bold blue eyes that could spark with both humour and fire and held a wealth of secrets; that mouth that was inviting even when it was pressed into a taut line; her body... Dio, her bones were so delicate, her figure so slender, he’d have to go easy on her at least the first time.

The first time?


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