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The Italian's Virgin Acquisition

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Which wasn’t like him. He never struggled to keep himself in check. He was always cool. Always in control. His grandfather would expect it. And yet here he was, about to ravish a woman he shouldn’t even want. A woman, who despite her claims to the contrary, wanted him just as much but who would no doubt behave like every other woman he had bedded and want more from him in the end.

Even knowing that, he wanted her with a hunger that floored him. He wanted to claim her and soak up her softness. Soak up her goodness.

He took a deep breath. At some point over the last few days she had gone from not being his type to being the only woman he could think about. Even the beautiful Daria Perone, a woman he had wanted to bed for a long time but whose path he had never crossed at the right time, paled in comparison to the woman at his side. A fact she had reluctantly conceded earlier in the evening when he had introduced her to Poppy.

Poppy had known something was up by the way Daria’s hungry eyes had lingered on him.

‘I thought you said there would be no ex-girlfriend’s here,’ Poppy had said with her proud little nose in the air after Daria had sauntered off to find more easy prey.

Sebastiano had laughed. ‘She’s not an ex.’

‘Oh.’ Realisation had made her innocent blue eyes sparkle. ‘Maybe she’s heard you give really good kiss-off presents.’

She had fingered the pearl happily nestled between her round breasts, and he had wanted to pull her in close and never let her go.

Right now he’d like to end the evening early and take her to his bed. Stamp out the hollow feeling in his heart with her sweet body underneath his.

But his nonno had other ideas.

‘Wait here,’ his grandfather said, nodding to the musicians, who automatically stopped playing. ‘I have an announcement that will make you happy, nipote mio.’

Sebastiano felt the blood move through his veins in a slow, dull thud when his grandfather took the microphone. Surely his grandfather wasn’t going to make the announcement that he was going to take over CE here, tonight?

‘Friends. Family. We are here tonight to celebrate l’amore della mia vita.’ His grandfather gestured to Evelina who had come to stand beside him. He gave her a soft kiss and joined their hands together.

‘What did he say?’ Poppy whispered.

‘The love of his life,’ Sebastiano rasped.

He felt Poppy sigh beside him and his gut clenched. Yes, she would definitely want more from a man than he had it in him to give.

His grandfather waxed lyrical about his wife for a few more minutes to the avid enjoyment of the crowd. Then he held up his hand, his expression serious. ‘And of course, most of you know that fifteen years ago on this night our family was dealt a cruel blow that we have struggled to overcome. It is fair to say that the intervening years have not been easy. But tonight...’ His moist eyes scanned the crowd and locked with Sebastiano’s. ‘Tonight I want to create new, happier memories for all of us. So it is with great pleasure that I announce that my grandson, Sebastiano Castiglione, will be taking over as CEO of Castiglione Europa. Effective immediately.’

Sebastiano heard the applause and well wishes from the crowd but it sounded as if it came from far away. He had expected the announcement of his appointment to be more along the lines of a memo. A public statement written up by his PR people in a way that created little fanfare. The last thing he wanted was to be the centre of attention. Not tonight. Not when it should have been his father taking over this position instead of him.

Taking the dais to thunderous applause, he said a few words about his grandfather’s non-existent retirement plans that lightened the air considerably, then he signalled to the musicians to start playing again.

Needing a drink, he raised his hand to those nearby in a gesture of thanks and made his way to the bar, the guests he passed giving him little more than a pat on the back and a, ‘Well done, congratulations’.

‘Scotch. Neat,’ he grated at the hapless bartender who had a goofy grin on his face. The man’s grin slipped a little as he quickly did what he was asked. In the blink of an eye, the drink was gone and Sebastiano slapped the now empty glass back down on the bar. ‘Another.’

‘Sebastiano...’ Not realising that Poppy had followed him, he glanced at her. ‘Sebastiano, your parents died today?’

‘Please spare me the mini-violin, bella. I’m over it.’

She watched him, her blue eyes frankly appraising. ‘Does anyone actually believe that when you say it?’ she asked softly, sympathy leaching out of every one of her beautiful pores.

‘Don’t push, Poppy. Another,’ he said to the hovering bartender.

Her mouth firmed into a stubborn line. ‘Why are you drinking Scotch if you’re so over it?’

‘I like the taste.’


Deciding he needed air as well as Scotch, he pushed away from the bar. ‘Excuse me, would you? There’s someone I have to talk to.’

Moving past her, Sebastiano made his way out of the ballroom taking the stone steps down to the leafy garden. He had no idea where he was going, but being alone seemed like a good idea right now.

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