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The Italian's Virgin Acquisition

Page 51

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Poppy thought that Lukas would quite possibly fly to the moon and wrangle a star back for Eleanore if she was so inclined.

True love indeed, she mused, unconsciously taking in how relaxed the other couple was with each other—the covert touches, the possessive way Lukas leaned his arm along the back of Eleanore’s chair and the soft glow in his eyes when he looked at her. Just being with them made her feel warm and included.


Yes, she felt included. Like she had with Sebastiano’s family, as if she actually had a valuable contribution to make to the order of things.

A lump formed in her throat and she blinked back a shimmer of tears that was forming behind her eyes. If Sebastiano had asked her for her third wish right now, it would be to make this moment last for ever. Or maybe to make last night last for ever.

She was falling for him, she realised on a frantic rush of understanding, falling hard and fast, and she knew the landing would definitely not be soft this time.

Feeling unaccountably panicked, Poppy scraped back her chair and excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. She had been the one to call last night a mistake, and he’d agreed, hadn’t he?

‘Hey, wait up.’ Popp

y nearly groaned to hear Sebastiano behind her. She stopped in the smoky corridor that led to the bathrooms but didn’t look up at him. ‘Are you okay?’

‘Great,’ she said, pinning a bright smile on her face.

‘Really?’ His intense gaze probed hers.

No! She was terrible. Panicked. Scared. ‘Of course.’


‘Sebastiano, don’t.’

The last thing she wanted was for him to know how she felt and pity her. It would make her feel too pathetic for words.

His hands lifted to frame her face, bringing her eyes up to his. His nostrils flared as if he was drawing her scent into his body. She felt him shudder and then something came over his face. A softness. A sort of giving in. ‘I want you.’ The words sounded as though they’d been wrenched from a deep part of him and Poppy’s traitorous heart started to sing. ‘I know you said last night was a mistake but for me it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. You walk into a room, Poppy, and my body salivates to have you. You’re like a drug. You’re under my skin.’

Poppy stared up at him, incredulous, her mind barely able to register what she was hearing. ‘I want you too,’ she admitted huskily.

A woman glanced at them curiously as she made to move past and Sebastiano dragged Poppy closer against him. Then his mouth was on hers, open and demanding, and leaving her in no doubt as to how much he wanted her.

When they were jostled by a second person, Sebastiano raised his head with a groan. He looked at her. Took a deep breath. ‘You need to fix your lipstick, bella,’ he said gruffly. ‘I’ll meet you back at the table.’

* * *

‘I like her.’

Sebastiano glanced at Lukas. The man’s eyes were trained on Eleanore as she left the room to take a phone call. ‘I hope so. You married her.’

‘Interesting.’ Lukas chuckled, giving him a look. ‘Deflecting with humour. I had thought it was just casual between the two of you. Thanks for the clarification.’

Sebastiano narrowed his eyes. Frankly he was still reeling from what had just happened with Poppy in the corridor. He hadn’t meant to say any of those things to her, they’d just spilled out and he certainly didn’t need his old friend digging at him. ‘Just because you’re now married off, Kuznetskov, don’t try and ruin it for the rest of us.’

‘Safety in numbers and all that?’ the Russian mused.

‘Exactly. But there’s nothing going on between Poppy and myself.’ That was if you discounted last night and that savage kiss in the corridor just now. Dio mio, he could really pick his moments.

‘Could have fooled me.’

‘It’s true,’ he said, tossing an olive into his mouth. ‘She was my intern and she helped me out of a tight spot.’ Another olive. ‘The important thing is that you’ll be dealing with me from now on instead of my grandfather—and fair warning, but I’m about to fleece you so that we’re the only contractor you use on your hotels in the foreseeable future.’ He leaned back in his chair and raised his glass to his friend. ‘What more could a man want?’

Lukas gave a helpless shrug. ‘Poppy Connolly?’

Sebastiano scowled. ‘Look, Kuznetskov, while I’m very pleased love has worked out for you not all of us want the same thing, or need it.’ His scowl deepened as those words suddenly had a hollow ring to them. ‘Personally, I’m not interested in capping my batting average just yet.’ Or ever!

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