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His Last Chance at Redemption

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‘Actually, it’s very much my concern—’ Lexi barely controlled her growing annoyance ‘—if you’re serious about taking him with you.’

‘Did I not say I was short on time?’

Lexi’s eyebrows hit her hairline at his condescending tone. Just who did this guy think he was? ‘And did I not say I required more information from you? We don’t usually allow the children in our care to just go off with anyone who happens in off the street. There are procedures to follow. Forms to sign.’

He looked as if he hadn’t considered that. Then his eyes raked over her again and Lexi wished she was still wearing her professional suit from earlier. ‘I’d like to speak to the manager.’

She smiled, never more pleased at being able to utter her next words. ‘I am the manager.’

He stared at her and Lexi couldn’t drag her eyes from his intense blue eyes.

‘I apologise,’ he said finally, a mocking lilt in his voice that suggested otherwise. ‘It seems we are at loggerheads, Ms Somers—’


Now why had she said that? She preferred Ms!

‘Miss Somers,’ he intoned. ‘And while I appreciate your concern for Ty Weston’s welfare, I have permission from the boy’s mother to collect him this evening as she is apparently out of town.’

Lexi frowned at his use of the word ‘apparently.’ ‘I’m sorry, but it doesn’t seem as if she has informed the centre of this change. Do you have proof of this permission?’

He paused and his mouth quirked slightly upwards. ‘Alas, I left it back in my office.’

Lexi nodded, not at all convinced by what he was saying.

‘Well, alas, Mr—’ Damn, what was his last name again? ‘—you’ll just have to come back when you have your proof.’ She stood up. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me—’

‘You’re dismissing me!’ The shocked outrage on his ruggedly handsome face would have made her laugh any other time but right now butterflies were tap dancing in her stomach and making her feel strange.

‘Yes, I do believe I am.’

He planted his hands on top of the paperwork on her desk and leaned towards her. ‘Listen, Miss Somers, I’ve had just about as much as I can take of your obstinacy.’

‘My obstinacy?’ Lexi leaned back in her chair and tried to stare him down. Which wasn’t easy. In his anger his eyes had taken on a cold precision that could cut through lead. ‘That’s rich.’

Maybe she should call the police.

Some of her nervousness must have shown because his eyes narrowed. ‘I can assure you this is all completely above-board.’

‘Then you won’

t mind if I contact Amanda.’

He straightened up and pulled at his cuffs. ‘Please do. And if you get through pass the phone this way.’

Frowning even harder Lexi collected Ty’s file from the corner cabinet, conscious of his eyes on her the whole time. Ignoring him she returned to her seat and dialled Amanda Weston’s mobile number.

After a minute the phone clicked over onto voicemail and Lexi left a brief message asking her to call and hung up.

‘She’s not available,’ she said a little unnecessarily, given he had heard her message.

The man, Leo Alek-someone, didn’t seem surprised.

Just then another parent arrived at the gate to be buzzed into the centre and Lexi rose to her feet. ‘If you’ll excuse me, I need to attend to someone else and while I do I’ll double check with my colleagues as to whether Amanda passed on a message about you.’

She headed towards the door and felt his body move infinitesimally, as if he planned to follow her.

‘I wouldn’t,’ she warned him coolly, heart pounding a mile a minute. ‘We have panic buttons carefully placed throughout the centre and if you follow me I’ll set one off.’

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