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Bound to Her Desert Captor

Page 32

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‘That’s terrible. I don’t know who to feel sorry for more—her or her husband. She’s clearly not happy in her marriage.’

‘Some people just want the excitement of being with someone new.’

‘Well, I wouldn’t. If I committed to someone I’d always be faithful to them.’

‘As would I, habiba.’ His voice was rough, as if he were speaking directly to her and not in generalities.

Her heart bumped inside her chest. ‘So you do have scruples,’ she said huskily.

‘Just because I don’t let anyone mess with my family, that doesn’t make me the bad guy you think I am, Regan.’

He settled his hands on her waist and Regan’s pulse leapt in her throat. ‘I didn’t think Santarians were into public displays of affection,’ she murmured breathlessly.

‘We’re not,’ he confirmed, leading her back towards their table. ‘But I figured I’d already broken protocol once tonight and the sky didn’t fall in.’

She shook her head. ‘You’re a real rebel, aren’t you?’

He laughed softly. ‘Actually I’m not. I was always the child who did the right thing and toed the line growing up.’

‘The dutiful son. Was that because it was expected of you as the first born?’

‘That and because it was the only thing that made sense.’

‘Love makes sense,’ she said softly.

‘For you, not for me.’

‘Why do you think that?’

‘Because I know how the world works. Both my parents were emotional. Their relationship unbearably volatile. Whenever emotion took over my mother left and my father worked harder. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching my parents it’s never to let emotion get in the way of making decisions.’

‘But how do you control that so well?’

Right now all she could think about was wrapping her arms around his neck and dragging his mouth down to hers. It was actually frightening, the amount of times she thought about touching him. It felt as if she’d been in a deep sleep for a long time, only to waken and imprint on him like a baby bird.

‘Practice.’ He smiled at her, his teeth impossibly white against the dark stubble that had already started shading his jaw, taking him from merely handsome to outrageously gorgeous.

‘Okay, well, I’m going to start practising emotionlessness right now. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to freshen up.’

‘Don’t be long.’

Regan let out a ragged breath as his gaze held hers. For a split second his eyes had been on her mouth and she could have sworn they had turned hungry. Most likely wishful thinking on her part.

She really didn’t want to like him after the way he had threatened her brother and detained her as bait, but she knew that she did. Maybe if he hadn’t kiss

ed her she’d feel differently. But that wasn’t entirely true. She’d found herself drawn to him even before she knew he kissed like a god. But he wasn’t the only one who tried not to let their emotions dominate their decisions. She’d had to put her own aside after her parents died. And worse, she knew no one was indispensable, so why put yourself out there in the first place?

‘Excuse me.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ Regan smiled at a beautiful dark-haired woman as she exited the ladies’ room. She stepped to the side so the woman could enter but she shook her head.

‘I’m not going in.’

‘Okay.’ Regan smiled again and was about to return to the ballroom when the woman took a hesitant step forward. A prickle of unease raised the hairs on the back of Regan’s neck. ‘Is something wrong?’

‘No, I—’

‘Have you been crying?’ Regan stepped closer to her. ‘Your eyes are damp.’

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