Bound to Her Desert Captor - Page 42

A few locals came out of the low-lying buildings, bowing low when they saw who had arrived to greet them.

Jaeger was clearly a revered leader, greeting his people with kindness and respect.

Born to lead, he had said, or words to that effect, and, seeing him in action, as she had done over the past four days, she knew it was true.

A group of local men approached Jaeger and the two guards that had followed them dismounted and joined their King.

Regan snapped a photo of the impressive trio, raising her brow when he looked at her.

Is this okay? her look enquired.

Fine, his slight nod replied.

Feeling happy, she turned to find two young girls approaching her, carefully carrying a tray full of clay mugs. They curtseyed and offered one to her.

Taking the cup of cool water gratefully, Regan smiled. ‘Shukran.’

‘Shukran, shukran,’ the young girls tittered, dancing away as if they couldn’t believe she had taken their offering.

She watched as they approached Jaeger, bemused at how beautifully he handled their shy attention, taking a mug and bowing to them in return.

Regan couldn’t prevent the smile on her face, hot colour stinging her cheekbones as he looked across at her. Could he read her thoughts? Did he know how much she was enjoying herself with him? Did he know how hard it was for her to remember that she was only here with him like this because Chad and Milena were missing? That he believed Chad had committed a crime in running off with his sister?

Not wanting to dwell on any of that now, she turned back to the vast open space of the desert, the light breeze moving gently across the sand like a whisper. Enthralled by the deep quiet of the land, she raised her viewfinder again. When Jaeger came into view across the way she paused. He had unwound his blue shemagh and it framed his handsome face, giving his skin tone a golden-brown hue. Curious, she watched an old man approach, handing Jag an enormous bird of prey.

The bird made a noise in greeting and clung to Jag’s gloved hand. As wild and untamed as its master, its proud profile perfectly mirroring Jag’s.

Regan felt her breath catch. He really was the most magnificent creature, and before she could stop herself she depressed the shutter and snapped a round of photos.

A small crowd had gathered around him and he released the bird into full flight, watching as it soared into the air on ginormous wings. Jaeger gave a short, sharp whistle and the magnificent bird swooped and dived above them, putting on a magical display. Regan couldn’t take her eyes off either man or bird as they worked together in perfect harmony, the bird circling high and waiting for Jaeger’s commands before plummeting to earth like a bullet from a gun, completely trusting that the King would provide a safe landing for it. Which he did, without even flinching as those huge talons wrapped around his thick leather glove.

As if sensing the lens on him, Jaeger turned in her direction and stared at her, his features proud, his blue eyes piercing as if he were gazing directly into her soul. Regan depressed her finger on the shutter again, her lens capturing the moment before she lowered the camera. She swallowed as he continued to look at her, completely captivated by the heat and masculine energy that emanated from his riveting gaze. It was as if she had become the prey and he were the falcon, with her firmly trapped in his sights.

The memory of his fingers threading through her hair, cupping her face as he kissed her, thrusting his tongue into the moist heat of her mouth, made her breath catch in her throat. It was so easy to imagine him coming to her now, bending to her and kissing the breath from her body, tasting her with his tongue, and gripping her waist in his powerful hands, telling her everything he wanted to do to her. Then doing those things...

One of his men spoke in his ear, breaking the spell between them, and Regan realised it was time for them to ride back. The sun had already started to sink towards the horizon, the heat of the day also starting to ebb away.

Handing the falcon back to the old man, Jag made his way over to her. ‘You look flushed, habiba,’ he said softly. ‘I should have given you a wide-brimmed hat as well.’

Regan felt flushed but she knew it had more to do with the scorching hot images of the two of them together than the sun. Safer, though, to have him believe that her heightened state was to do with mother nature than for him to realis

e that she couldn’t look at him lately without wanting him.

‘How did you find the ride?’ he asked, adjusting the front of her shemagh.

‘Wonderful.’ She shaded her eyes from the sun as she looked up at him. ‘It was truly wonderful.’

‘No sad memories?’

‘At the start but... I didn’t realise how much I miss being around horses until now so...thank you.’

‘It was my pleasure.’

‘That bird—’


‘Fitting name,’ she said. ‘He’s magnificent.’

Tags: Michelle Conder Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024