Bound to Her Desert Captor - Page 57

‘In love with her?’ Chad looked at her, astonishment widening his eyes. ‘Of course I’m not in love with her, we’re just friends. I mean, she’s incredibly beautiful inside and out but...honestly, she reminded me a bit of myself at the same age. When I felt unsure about my place in the world.’ He grimaced at the memory. ‘I felt bad that she didn’t have anyone supportive in her life the way I had you and I wanted to be there for her. But right now I’m more worried about you.’ He took her hands in his. ‘Did the King hurt you in any way? Did he force himself on you? Because if he did I’ll... I’ll—’

‘He didn’t force me, Chad.’ She gave his hands a reassuring squeeze before moving towards the windows overlooking the garden. ‘Not in the way you mean. He was just incredibly worried about his sister. I might have done the same thing he did if our situations had been reversed.’

A sort of pained silence followed her statement and she glanced over to see Chad watching her. ‘You’re in love with him aren’t you?’

Regan gave a shuddering smile. ‘Is it that obvious?’

‘Oh, Reggie. What are you going to do?’

‘Nothing,’ she said. ‘There’s nothing I can do. He’s made it more than clear that he wants me gone, so I guess I’ll go home.’

‘Have you told him how you feel?’

‘God, no.’ Regan gave a resigned shake of her head. ‘Believe me, Chad, if King Jaeger had wanted me to stay with him he would have said so. But the fact is he has everything he needs already.’ And all she had to do was find a way to get over him.

‘There’s a car waiting to take me back to my apartment. Do you want to come with me?’

‘Of course. It’s not like I have anywhere else to go.’

‘But the King... Are you going to at least say goodbye to him?’

Regan thought about it but she knew she couldn’t do it. ‘He knows where I am, Chad, and he knows I’ll be going with you. Prolonging the inevitable isn’t going to change anything.’ In fact, it would only make her feel worse.


JAEGER LOOKED DOWN at the report in his hand that detailed just how phenomenally successful the summit had been. It was everything he could have hoped for and yet he had to force himself to feel enthusiastic about it. He’d had to force himself to feel enthusiastic about anything since Regan had walked out of his life a week ago.

It was as if every day was a test of his endurance. A test of his stamina.

He recalled the day the phone call had come through about his father’s accident. At first the words coming out of Tarik’s mouth had been surreal and then his brain had kicked into high gear. He’d made sure Milena was taken care of. Then he’d flown home to Santara and been met by a legion of cabinet ministers and officials, all awaiting direction on how to handle the death of the King and what to do next. It had been an immense learning curve, and Regan had been right when she’d said that he hadn’t grieved properly. He’d been almost numb through those first difficult months and by the time he might have had some time to take a breath it had seemed indulgent to do so. He had a job to do and he’d done it to the best of his ability.

He’d thought that had been the greatest test of his stamina. Turned out it was nothing compared to watching Regan get into that car with her brother without a backward glance.

But what else had he expected? He’d scared her in the shisha bar and then again in her hotel room, he’d forced her to come to the palace, where he’d detained her, then he’d forced her to play hostess for him at an international summit, after which he’d forced her to go to his oasis and... His mind blanked out the events that had taken place in his bed after the celebratory dinner his tribesmen had put on. It had been the only way he hadn’t jumped on a plane and immediately followed her to New York. But he hadn’t forced himself on her that night. He knew she had come to his bed willingly, her ability to deny the chemistry between them about as strong as his had been.


But what was the point in reliving it all? She was back in New York, back to her normal life, and so was he. Back to...back to...

A knock at the door prevented his brooding thoughts from continuing. Thank the heavens.

Tarik entered, looking harassed. The last time he’d looked this way a russet haired, cinnamon-eyed American had been the cause.

‘I thought you’d finished for the day,’ he told his aide.

‘Almost, Your Majesty.’

‘Did you see Milena?’

‘I did. She is fine. The dress-fitting went very well.’

That surprised him. He still didn’t know if his sister really want to marry the Prince of Toran. She hadn’t said. In fact she hadn’t said anything much to him these past few days, still angry with him for banning her from seeing Chad James. But what had she expected? That he would welcome their friendship with open arms? The man was lucky enough to still have a job. A concession he’d only made because of Regan.

‘Good. So what’s put that look on your face?’

‘The PR department are querying the statement about the end of your engagement to Miss James...’

‘What of it?’

Tags: Michelle Conder Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024