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Crowning His Unlikely Princess

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‘This was my mother’s tiara,’ she said. ‘And her mother’s before her. Since I didn’t manage to have a daughter, I would be honoured if you chose to wear it today.’

Cassidy had felt herself choke up as she’d lifted the spectacular piece from its velvet bed. ‘It’s I who am honoured,’ she said, biting her lip to stop the tears from falling.

Logan’s mother had shaken her head. ‘None of that. You’ll ruin your make-up.’ She had patted Cassidy’s arm. ‘I knew my son was enamoured of you very early on, but I didn’t think you would fit. I was wrong. And one should never be afraid to admit that. Especially when you make my son so happy.’

‘He makes me happy too,’ Cassidy had said.

‘As it should be. And now I will leave you to prepare for the day ahead. But perhaps one night in the near future you could take a stroll with me around my rose garden. I’d be very pleased to show it to you.’

Cassidy had coloured at that, fervently hoping that there were no cameras in the rose garden to reveal exactly what had happened the last time she had been there.

Now she stood at the bottom of the stone steps, staring up at the towering church spire, her stomach alive with butterflies.

Suddenly she wished that Logan was beside her because she couldn’t help feeling intimidated by what she was about to enter into.

As if her sister sensed it, she touched her arm. ‘Don’t stumble now, Your Highness,’ she warned impishly. ‘You have every camera on the planet aimed at you.’

‘Thanks for reminding me,’ Cassidy complained, her fingers trembling as she lifted them to smooth down her veil in the light breeze.

‘Seriously, Cass,’ her sister began softly. ‘I know the King makes you very happy and if anyone deserves it you do. You’ve helped me out more times than I care to remember and now it’s my turn to return the favour.’ She held her arm out for Cassidy to take. ‘Lean on me if you need to.’

Cassidy had asked Peta to walk her down the aisle and now she was very happy that she had. ‘Thank you.’ She placed her hand on her sister’s arm. ‘I love you.’

She turned one last time to wave to the crowd, before straightening her spine and gazing up at the entrance to the church.

The twins preceded her, scattering rose petals as they slowly made their way through the wide doors and up the aisle. Cassidy followed, with Peta beside her, her eyes riveted to the tall, handsome man waiting for her. He looked solid and steady and full of love as she made her way to him.

Barely noticing anyone else in the packed pews, she smiled up at him as Peta took her hand and laid it over his.

Logan gave her a slow grin. ‘You look incredible, mi preciosa, but for a minute I thought I was going to have to send out a search party.’

Cassidy felt her whole body relax at his teasing tone, her heart overflowing. ‘Not a chance, my love,’ she whispered back. ‘I’m yours for ever.’

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