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Unexpected Mates

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“Who do you think you are, you fat heffer?” Wendy seethed, voice steeped in rage. “You’ll regret talking to me like that.”

“I seriously doubt it. It felt too good. Run along, Wendy. This conversation is done.”

Wendy glared daggers at Parker. “Come on, Hannah, let’s go. Now!”

Parker watched as Hannah lowered her eyes, seeming to wilt into herself for a moment before she straightened her spine and looked up with determination on her face. “No.”

“What?” Wendy asked in astonishment. “Maybe you didn’t hear me the first time. I said we’re leaving, now.”

“I heard you just fine, Wendy, and the answer is the same. I’m not finished talking to Parker, and I’m a grown woman. I’m not going to follow your order

s, at least not anymore. We’re not in high school anymore, Wen. Maybe it’s time to grow up already.”

Wendy fumed, the fury twisting her pretty features and turning them as ugly as her words always were. “You’re gonna regret that, too, Hannah. Mark my words.”

Turning, Wendy stalked back down the street. Silence reigned over Parker and Hannah, and Parker watched as Hannah took a deep breath, her shoulders drooping and her eyes closing as she blew the breath back out.

“I’m sorry about that. I’m proud of you for sticking up to her, if that’s what you really wanted, but I’m sorry it came to that.”

Hannah laughed softly. “It’s been coming for a long time, and I wanted it, I was just too much of a coward to do it before. I still probably wouldn’t have gotten up the nerve to do it, if you hadn’t done it first. So thanks. It was awesome, finally seeing Wendy get what was coming to her, and I loved that it came from you. She’s been tormenting you since we were kids.”

Parker laughed with Hannah. “It felt good to finally speak up, but Hannah, listen. People only have as much power over us as we give them. Stop giving Wendy that power over you, and you’ll do just fine.”

Hannah smiled at her as she handed Parker the little wolf. “I’m really glad I ran into you today, Parker.”

“I am, too. I hope we’ll see each other around more.”

“Me, too,” Hannah said with a smile as she walked to the parking lot.

Parker watched her go, absentmindedly running her thumb over the stuffed animal in her hand in a petting motion. That confrontation had probably been the last thing she’d expected to happen when she came into town, but she was glad it had. It felt good to finally stand up for herself, and not just sit, frozen and tongue tied, as Wendy said nasty things to her. She had a feeling it had been really good for Hannah, too. She’d never realized that Hannah felt as intimidated and threatened by Wendy as she did until today, and the look in Hannah’s eyes…

Hannah had secrets. Painful ones, too, going by the look in her eyes. Parker hoped she would come to her if she needed a friend. Hannah had looked like she needed one, and who knew how long it had been since she’d had someone be that for her? Lord knew, Wendy for sure had never been one.

Parker felt something drip on her toe and looked down with a curse. She’d forgotten about the ice cream, and she was suddenly aware of how heavy her bags were. She rushed to get to the car so she could get back to the farm. Back to home.

Chapter Fifteen

Tyler smiled as he watched Parker. She was humming as she cleaned up the dinner mess. It was Leah’s night off, so he and Parker had thrown together the taco meal she’d brought home with her from the store. His contribution had pretty much been limited to chopping vegetables, but he’d had a good time, watching her as she cooked. They had ended up being the best tacos he’d ever had, and he thought he might enjoy the benefits of her pregnancy cravings as much as she did.

She filled him in on her run in with Hannah and Wendy as she washed dishes. He rinsed and dried as she went, not commenting much on what had happened. He disliked Wendy even more than he had before, and that was saying something. The way she talked to Parker, trying to hurt her by insinuating that he’d been sleeping with her, was something else.

His wolf growled inside him at the thought of someone trying to hurt Parker. He wanted to go into kill shit mode, but Ty was holding him back. Parker had stood up for herself today, and that was huge. He was so fucking proud of her. He knew how hard it was for her to speak in even a normal conversation, so her speaking up for herself during a confrontation was huge.

As much as he wanted to stomp and growl, he’d hold himself in check, because he’d be damned if he took anything away from Parker’s triumphant moment.

He walked around her to put some dishes away and stepped up behind her as he came back, placing a kiss on the nape of her neck. “You’re an amazing woman, you know that?”

She giggled and flicked soapy water off her fingers at him. “Hush. I was only doing what I should have done years ago. I think you deserve the thanks for that. You give me the strength to be better. To be me.”

Ty’s throat tightened as he shook his head at her. This amazing, beautiful woman was all his. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe it. “No. That was all you, baby.”

Parker handed him the last of the clean dishes before rinsing her hands off. “I found something when I was at the store tonight. Hold on and I’ll go get it.”

Parker dried her hands and he watched her as she hurried away, curvy backside swaying as she walked. He felt his dick stir and he turned quickly back around. He couldn’t get enough of her, but he needed to slow down and let her get some rest. If he could have his way, though, he’d never let her out of his bed.

He was drying off the last plate when she came back in the room. “I found this little guy at the store today and I couldn’t resist. I think he’s perfect for our little boy. What do you think?”

Ty turned, the plate still in his hand, prepared to tell her loved it, whatever it was. She was standing just inside the kitchen with a small, black stuffed wolf in her hand, and he felt the plate slip from his suddenly nerveless fingers as he stared at it.

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