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Take Me Again (The Knight Brothers 1)

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When a knock sounded on her door, she jumped up to answer it, hoping it was him. Instead it was Sierra.

Wearing a pair of black slacks and a light cream sweater, the other woman looked nervous as she stood in the doorway.

“Hi,” Ashley said.

“Hi. I was hoping we could talk?” Sierra asked.

Surprised, Ashley stepped aside. “Come inside.”

Sierra walked in and her gaze immediately went to the array of red roses and the chocolate basket Ashley had taken apart, item by item, and left on the table.

“Hungry?” Ashley asked, laughing.

“No, thank you, but wow. Sebastian’s really gone all out.”

Ashley blushed. “How do you know it’s all from your brother?”

“Seriously? I saw how he looked at you the other day in Ethan’s office. You totally grounded him and gave him the courage to tell Ethan what he needed to know.”

“I didn’t realize anyone else noticed,” Ashley murmured.

“It was hard not to. Sebastian’s never been head over heels before. It’s pretty obvious.”

Ashley felt a flush rise to her face. “I don’t know about that.” The head over heels part, she thought. “We’re…” She wasn’t going to tell Sierra she’d been sleeping with her brother.

“Right.” Sierra put her hands to her now red cheeks, getting the message. Her pretty engagement ring sparkled from her finger.

“Congratulations, by the way,” Ashley said. “On your upcoming wedding.”

“Oh! Thank you. It’s in a few months, and I feel like I have so much still to do.”

Ashley smiled. “I can’t imagine,” she murmured.

“But I’ll manage. My fiancé’s been so helpful. But back to the reason I’m here.”

Ashley waited, while Sierra stepped farther inside before turning around to face her. “You’re really close with Ethan, and you’re in some sort of relationship with Sebastian.” Sierra drew a deep breath. “I thought we should talk.”

“Okay.” Ashley didn’t know what to say. “Would you like to sit first?” she offered.

Sierra shook her head. “I just need to get this out. I’m sorry.”

“Whatever for?” Ashley asked.

“When you came to live with us, when your mother married my father, I was a total bitch to you.”

With a shake of her head, Ashley let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t say you were a bitch. You just didn’t…”

“Do anything to make your life easier. I wasn’t warm or friendly. I didn’t introduce you to my friends. I left you to sink or swim on your own, and that sucked.” She swallowed hard. “I’m embarrassed now. By how jealous I was of you then. I was worried if I took you around my friends, they’d like you better than me.”

Ashley was shocked. “Really? I just figured you didn’t want another girl in the house.”

“That, too?” Sierra shook her head and sighed. “You couldn’t pay me to go back to being a teenager.”

“Agreed.” Ashley slid her hands into the front pockets of her jeans. “But Sierra? You don’t owe me an apology. You didn’t do anything awful to me. And we’re adults now. It’s all good. I promise.”

“Thank you,” she said, relief in her voice. “Because something tells me you’re going to be around a lot more, and I wanted to get everything out in the open.”

Ashley chose not to correct her, not wanting to get into a conversation about herself and Sebastian or her imminent return abroad. Not when she was still so confused herself.

Sierra leaned forward and pulled Ashley into a hug, taking her by surprise. “Thank you for being so great about everything.” She stepped back and smiled. “You’re good for my brother. I approve,” she said, then turned and walked out, leaving Ashley speechless.

She shut the door behind Sierra and leaned her head against it, her heart beating hard in her chest. Because she needed to see Sebastian and be with him, talk to him, and get a handle on herself and her feelings.

Before she could lose her nerve, she headed up to his apartment and knocked on the door, a feeling of déjà vu overtaking her. Except tonight she was going to go inside.

She heard noise, then the turn of the lock, and found herself face-to-face with a pretty dark-haired woman.

“What do you want?” the woman asked, her gaze taking in Ashley, who wore a pair of jeans and an unflattering band tee shirt, while this woman was dressed to impress.

Ashley’s stomach churned at the sight of another woman in Sebastian’s home.

“Dammit, Veronica, I told you I’d get it.” Sebastian’s voice traveled to her as he flung open the door. “Ashley,” he said, obviously stunned to see her there.

She blinked hard. “What’s going on?” she asked.

“Veronica was just leaving.” He met Ashley’s gaze without blinking.

“But Sebastian–” Veronica reached for him with her long, manicured nails.

No sooner had the woman touched him than Ashley snapped. “He said you were leaving, so just go. And get your claws off him.”

Stunned, Veronica looked from Ashley to Sebastian. “It’s not your apartment, so it’s not your place to tell me what to do.”

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