The Lightning-Struck Heart (Tales From Verania 1) - Page 177

“Yes,” Morgan said. “Every day. All the time. Some days, you even think you’re getting used to it only to realize you’re not.”

“Don’t say fuck!” I growled at Ryan. “Remember your place!”

He rolled his eyes and I did not find that attractive. At all. “Sorry,” he said. “I meant to say mothercracker.”



“You are so cool, you are so awesome,” I sang. “You give me feelings that make my heart blossom.”

They all stared at me. I’m pretty sure Morgan did too, even if he couldn’t see me.

“What?” I asked. “It was good.”

“Good being the operative word,” Gary muttered.

“Hugs?” Tiggy asked. “I not have hugs yet.”

“You shouldn’t sing,” Ryan said hastily. “It… burns.”

“Morgan liked it,” I said. “Didn’t you, Morgan?”

“That is certainly something you would say,” Morgan said.

“Guess what it was called?”

“Do I have to?”

“No. Because I’ll just tell you.”


“It was called ‘Dear Brother-Uncle-Father: An Ode to the Fiery Depths of My Feelings for Your Personage.’”

“You capitalized that, didn’t you?”

“You bet your sweet ass I did,” I said. “Now it’s official.”



“No corn. Get to Tarker Mills. Find the keep. Rescue the Prince. Go to Randall. Are these instructions in any way unclear?”

“You know that song I just sang for you?” I asked him. “I take it back.”

“I weep,” Morgan said. “A word in private, if I may.”

I looked up at the others. “Shoo. Secret wizarding business.”

“Says the apprentice,” Gary coughed.


“Nothing,” he said sweetly. “Ryan, Tiggy. Away with us. While we wait, I can regale you with the time that Sam was running from a mermaid and somehow ended up naked in a tree.”

“You promised,” I snapped at him.

Tags: T.J. Klune Tales From Verania Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025