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Patch (Silver Saints MC)

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A thought occurred to me, and I twisted to look at Willa’s dad. “Got a list of injuries to stick to, but if you think of any others, you can inflict them yourself. Bet I can get him to give up the name first.”

Black Jack smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re on, son.”

I was confident that I’d win since I was a fucking surgeon. However, I underestimated the wrath of a father. I hadn’t expected it to be every bit as deep and jagged as my own rage. But when I thought about it later, I understood. When Willa and I had kids, I’d tear through the world, destroying everything in my path if it meant protecting my family. And anyone involved would be torn limb from limb before I patched them up and did it all over again.

Vincent was barely clinging to life when we were done. I nodded to Cash and Dash before stalking to the sink and washing off my hands, arms, and face. As I dried them, I asked, “You want my help?”

Cash waved me off. “Nah, bro. We got this. Go make babies with your woman.”

Black Jack's face darkened enough to fit his name as he stared at me with a deadly scowl. “You better not knock up my baby girl until you’ve married her,” he growled. His tone was low and menacing, one that probably had most people shaking in their boots. When he realized he couldn’t intimidate me with his physical presence, he tried another tactic. “Don’t make me use my shotgun. I doubt Willa would be very happy with me if you have a hole in your head.” He shrugged and scratched his chin. “Then again…she’d get over it and find some—”

“Willa’s mine,” I roared with anger as I shot over to wrap my hand around his neck. When he started choking out laughter, I realized I’d taken his bait like a gullible little punk.

Shaking my head, I smiled ruefully and stepped away.

Willa’s dad nodded. “Just wanted to make sure you weren’t full of shit when you told my daughter you love her.”

“With my last breath,” I said before grabbing my cut and shrugging it on. “Now, I’m going home to her.”

I didn’t wait for anyone’s approval or acknowledgment. I just strode from the room and out to my bike. As I rode home, I thought about what Willa’s dad had said, and a wicked grin sliced across my face as an idea formed.

Maybe he’d known what he was doing, maybe not, but either way, he’d given me the perfect excuse to get my woman down the aisle as soon as possible.

I filled her with my seed as much as possible until the next morning when I told her about her dad’s ultimatum and then pointed out that she was probably already pregnant.

We were married two days later, although I insisted we eventually do the big, fancy wedding. I wanted to see her in white, dance with her, and have a long fucking honeymoon.



I wasn’t the kind of girl who dreamed about her wedding day, but if I had been, reality would’ve exceeded fantasy in every way. Times two since Kurt rushing me to the courthouse had fit our relationship so well. Today’s ceremony only one month later wasn’t traditional in any way except for the white gown and flowers—and my dad walking me down the aisle because no way would he have ever budged on that—but it was perfect for Kurt and me.

But judging by the scowl on his gorgeous face, something about our big day wasn’t agreeing with him. At least he didn’t leave me guessing for long. “Why are you looking at my club brother like that?”

I should have known he was just being territorial since he seemed to have an internal radar when it came to me and anything having to do with other guys. Before I could remind my husband of a little more than an hour that he had no reason to be jealous over Doc—especially not when I was wearing his property patch over my wedding dress, and we’d found out this morning that I was carrying his baby—my dad decided to put in his two cents. “Watch out, boy. I recognize that gleam in her eyes. It’s the same one her mom gets when she’s in matchmaking mode.”

“Look at him,” I grumbled, swinging my arm to the left, where Doc was cradling Celia against his chest. Bear and Alyssa’s baby girl had been born the same day Kurt and I met. Even though she wasn’t old enough to sleep through the night, let alone walk down the aisle, I had still wanted her to be our flower girl today. And my man was determined to give me whatever I wanted, so Alyssa had carried her down the aisle, mother and daughter wearing matching dresses with flower crowns on top of their heads. “He needs an old lady so he can make some babies of his own.”

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