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Damaged Grump (Bad Chicago Bosses)

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I can’t ignore the powerful urge that grips me as she gnaws her lower lip again, soft and fretful and sweet.

“Not yet,” I grumble. “But if you keep that up, I’m about to.”

She barely has a second to look puzzled.

Then I lunge across the table, stomping our truce to bits by kissing her so furiously I smell smoke.

She tastes so goddamned good.

I’ve been starved, famished, and she’s the sustenance I need.

I kiss like I’m trying to consume her, greedy and desperate for every flutter of her lips.

She melts for me with a startled gasp, going boneless, falling against me with a low moan.

Her arms slide around my neck and her fingers weave through my hair.

Her mouth is pure sin against mine, total surrender, inviting me to do my worst.

Dammit then, I will.

Every taste, every sweep of my tongue, every graze of teeth feeds my thirst.

Her mouth grows tender and plump against mine. How does it feel like sex just to mate our mouths together like starving beasts?

The way she gives drives me mad.

It also soothes something deep inside me.

Each whimper pouring out of her tells me I’m not the only one who’s been suffering.

Only sudden muffled voices from outside the room make me pull back.

Fuck, she’s so glorious right now, flushed and messy and on the brink of ruin.

Eyes glazed, lips parted, breaths thin.

I enjoy this too much, taking her apart with my teeth.

Winding a coil of blue-tinted hair in my fingers, I tuck it back behind her ear.

“You know that secret we’re not supposed to talk about?” I rasp. “How do you feel about not talking about it a second time? Tonight, my place, after dinner?”

Callie’s teeth stab her lip, her eyes focusing. She looks so torn.

“I mean...if we’re not going to talk, then not talking more than once can’t hurt, right?”

“Nothing but our denied libidos.”

A slow, shy smile takes over her lips.

“All right. I needed an excuse to bring your shirt back, anyway. And this time I’ll wear something I don’t mind losing.”

My head throbs.

It’s just sex.

A wild, hot, mutually explosive whirlwind.

So why does her breathless agreement make my heart kick?

“I’ll replace your dress,” I say, pushing myself off the table and backing toward the door with a grin. “Let’s say seven p.m.?”

“Eight,” she challenges. “Some asshole keeps me so busy I’ve got to put in overtime tonight.”

“Bring your laptop,” I tell her.

“Deal,” she says, laughing.

Shit, I want her right now, but we both have work to do.

“Good. I look forward to seeing you tonight so we can talk about nothing,” I say with my best dead delivery.

Her gaze trails me and she giggles as I open the door and step outside.

This day is officially too fucking long.

* * *

Later, when she shows up at my door at seven o’clock on the dot, there’s definitely no talking.

We don’t even make it to dinner.

Not a fucking chance when she strolls through my door in a rippable sweater dress and wedge heels that make her legs dynamite. The slouching material of the pale-pink sweater dress clings to her every curve and leaves little to the imagination.

It’s like a repeat of the first night.

Callie barely makes it past the threshold before I pounce.

She makes me carnivorous, insane, and I slam her against the wall and hold her there with my body.

All just to feel that slender, curvy frame against me, riling me in a heartbeat, making my blood run so hot it’s like I’ve walked into an oven.

She consumes me.

And I show her how much with my hands, with my body, with every wicked kiss and wanton touch as I shred her clothing.

I hurl her dress up around her hips and find out she’s got a surprise.

No panties tonight.

Nothing but soft skin, wet heat, inviting folds of flesh begging to be taken.

Yeah, fuck.

We’re not even making it to the bedroom.

I drop to my knees with hunger splitting me apart.

Her fingers rake my hair, telling me how much she loves this as I push her harder against the wall, framing her hips with my hands.

I hold her the fuck down as I rub my cheek against her sleek thighs. Then I shove them apart, flicking my tongue out to taste her.


She’s already so drenched for me it blows me apart, knowing she’s as hungry for this as I am.

There’s no hiding the naked truth that she wants me as much as I want her.

She couldn’t hide a pussy that wet to save her life.

I don’t have it in me to be gentle.

I move on her like lightning.

Licking and teasing and stroking her skin, growling as I slip up her thigh, teasing every curve, and then delving inside her hot cunt.

Her moaning shudders and shrill cries reward me, drowning my ears in a rock ballad that’s all Callie.

Her hips buck helplessly against my tongue as she rides my face.

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