Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2) - Page 3

“You?” he asked.

“I also do not have a wife, girlfriend, or children.” She smirked.

“Sassy. I like it. But please tell me you swing my way at least some of the time.” He stuck out his lower lip in a pitiful pout, making her laugh.

“I swing your way all the time. What’s your name?”

“John Paul, but for the love of God, please call me JP. You?”

She looked off into the distance for a moment, then faced him again. “Let’s skip this small talk, flirty stuff, okay? I want to fuck tonight. And I want to fuck you. I have a car in the parking lot.”

“Classy.” Shit, a woman on a mission. No complaints about that. And probably not a virgin with that goal. “Lucky for you, I’m a classy guy. Lead the way…miss.” Was she ever going to give up her name? Not that he genuinely cared, but it was fun to shout a name when he was coming.

She placed a hand on his chest, sending a tingle of sensation rippling across his skin. “I want an orgasm or two, and I’ll return the favor. Nothing more. This isn’t the start of…anything.” Her eyes darkened with each word until the blue resembled turbulent waters on a stormy day. He’d always been a sucker for blue eyes, and these were no different.

“As I said, beautiful, lead the way.” His voice dipped to a husky pitch as anticipation flooded his veins. He was gonna come tonight in the back seat of whatever the hell kinda car she had like he was a horny teenager hiding from his parents’ notice. Not that he had a parent who’d given a shit what he did or didn’t do when he was a rascally teen. Still, it’d be a fun fantasy to play out.

Smiling, she held a hand out to him. “It’s Mary Anne, and I’d love to.” Then she slicked her tongue along her lower lip in a sensual swipe that had him groaning in need.

No-strings, no-consequences, no-frills fucking.

The perfect way to end any night.


THEY WERE AT it again.

Seriously, his brother, Keith, and Michaela, Keith’s movie-star-turned-regular-person girlfriend, couldn’t survive more than ten minutes without groping, kissing, or gazing at each other with the most revolting lovesick stares JP had ever seen.

He was all for the kissing and touching parts, but the I’m-peering-into-your-soul shit had to go. It gave him hives, and he had a “date” later that wouldn’t end well if he showed up covered in red splotches.

And they were still going at it.

He groaned. “Seriously, you guys are like watching a Lifetime movie. It’s disgusting. I think we would all prefer it if you gave us some porn instead.” Pretty sure anyone in their family would prefer watching porn over a cheesy romance flick. Especially since their entire upbringing had been the opposite of anything Lifetime ever promoted.

A throat cleared from across the backyard. “Um, excuse me?”

The unfamiliar voice had everyone staring in her direction. A woman, probably in her mid to upper twenties, hovered near the open gate. She was cute, with a riot of curly black hair hanging past her shoulders. She wrung her hands at her waist and gnawed her lower lip.


He didn’t recognize her, so she must be looking for one of his brothers. Ooh, unless he’d hooked up with her at some point. Shit, last thing he needed was a clinger sniffing around for promises he’d never make.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I’m looking for someone named John Paul.”

Huh. It didn’t sound like she knew him either, so what the hell did she want him for? Maybe word about his prowess had spread, and she came for a few hours of horizontal fun. He did have a “date” later tonight, but there were many hours in between, and he had no problem showing this lovely creature a good time before then.

He sprang from his chair with an easy grin. Hopefully, he didn’t have any corn stuck between his teeth—nothing worse than going in for some tongue action only to find a grill full of food.

He spread his arms. “Well, gorgeous, that would be me. What can I do for you? Do you need directions? Maybe to my bedroom?”

One of his older brothers, Jagger, groaned. “Maybe try not to be arrested for harassment before you know what she wants.”

Chuckling, he walked around the table and made his way toward the mystery woman whose eyes had gone wide. “I’m just fucking with you. But I am JP. What’s up?” There was a chance he came on too strong as she now glanced back and forth between the gate and him as though ready to bolt.

Up close, she was even prettier, with wide, brown eyes, smooth skin, and a curvy figure.

She eyed him then stepped back to the gate, where she reached for something. Two seconds later, a stroller rolled into his backyard.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024