Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2) - Page 17

“You want to run a campground?” Hannah asked, wrinkling her nose. The thought of the glamourous actress owning a rustic campground didn’t fit.

Laughing, Mickie shook her head. “No. Can you imagine? That’s not exactly my style.”

“We want to renovate it and create luxury rentals,” Ronnie said.

Now that she believed.

“And we mean luxury,” Mickie added. “We’re looking to attract a high-end clientele to bring some big dollars to the town. Those looking for a ritzy and glamorous winter getaway.”

Huh, not a bad idea. Actually, it sounded like a lot of fun. She bet the property would be stunning by the time Mickie got through with it.

“One of my brothers owns a contracting company and will be doing all the demo and renos. We’d love to have all the work done by either local or small businesses along with purchasing all our décor, supplies, and furniture from small or locally run shops.”

“I love this idea,” Hannah said, and she meant it. Small towns and small businesses struggled in this day of online one-click mega shopping.

“Awesome!” Mickie’s face lit up.

“Problem is, neither of us knows anything about the financial side of running a business, and we’d rather not involve my brothers there because they have a tendency to take over.”

“Well,” Hannah set down her fork. “As I said, I’m here for a few weeks, so I’m happy to help with anything you need.”

“Eeep.” Ronnie bounced in her seat with a big grin on her face, so opposite the skeptical look she’d given Hannah at first. “This is perfect. So, uh, what’s your name?”

“Oh.” They all laughed. “Sorry, I’m Hannah.”

“Ronnie,” Veronica said. “And that’s Mickie.” She used her fork to point at the once-celebrated actress.

“Nice to meet you both.”

“You too.” Mickie winked. “And thanks for playing it so cool and not asking me for a selfie or an autograph.”

Hannah blushed. “I’m not really a selfie kinda girl. But, uh, how did you know I recognized you?”

With a snort, Ronnie said, “Everyone recognizes her. Now.” They shared a look and snickered at whatever inside joke just passed between them.

For the next hour, they laughed, drank way too much coffee, and didn’t get any work done. Hannah fell instantly in love with both these women. They were much more outgoing and extroverted than she was, but she found herself drawn out of her shell in their presence. How long had it been since she’d spent time laughing and enjoying the company of other women? Long before Mary Anne died. Probably not since she’d lived in Boston.

She had such a blast with them, she’d almost forgotten the real reason for approaching them.


“Shit,” Ronnie said as she looked at her phone. “We gotta get moving, Mickie. We’re signing the closing paperwork in a half hour. And we got jack shit done here.”

Mickie chugged the rest of her coffee, then nodded. “I’m ready. Hannah, would you be interested in coming by my house tonight to work with us? Like, actually work this time. We’ll feed you dinner and ice cream.”

“That’s a terrible idea. You know you’ll never be able to keep the rest of the family away, and once she meets the guys, she’ll run screaming.” Ronnie’s eyes danced with mirth.

“You make a good point. Maybe we should meet somewhere else.”

“No!” Hannah said, then cleared her throat. “Your house is fine. Takes a lot to scare me.”

That was a huge lie. One of many she’d already told. She had no experience with loud, boisterous families and wouldn’t have a clue how to handle it. They were right, she’d be inclined to run but would force herself to blend in if it got her to Kayla.

“All right. It’s settled. Let’s say six o’clock. That work for you, Ronnie?”


“Hand me your phone, Hannah.”

She did as requested. What a surreal moment. One of the most famous actresses in the world was currently entering her phone number and address into Hannah’s phone.

She shoved aside the wonder of it as they finalized plans. Who Mickie was didn’t matter. What mattered was that she was getting closer to seeing her niece and finding out if JP was caring for her in the way she deserved.

If she was lucky, Hannah would meet him that night. If she was luckier, she’d see Kayla. Maybe even hold her. She closed her eyes, imagining her niece in her arms again. Of course, she’d have to maintain the charade of being the helpful traveler and random new friend of Mickie and Ronnie.

She’d have to lie her butt off all night.

But she could do it. If it meant even two minutes of cuddling Kayla, she’d do anything.

Even ignore the souring of her stomach at the thought of all those lies.


THE UNMISTAKABLE HOWL of an unhappy child pulled JP from a fitful sleep. Shut eye had been an elusive goal for the past few days, only happening after hours of tossing, turning, and rioting emotions.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024