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Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2)

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Despite it all, she wanted to protect her own family as well. Her mother wasn’t a bad woman, but she needed help. Professional help she refused to seek. If they sued for custody of Kayla, they’d be ruined. Hannah and her family would never stand a chance against the resources someone like Mickie had at her disposal. Her family had spent tons of money helping Mary Anne in the end, and now poured the rest of their savings into this attorney. Frequent anxiety attacks kept her mother from working, and her father retired a few years ago. Hannah had a small amount saved and invested but hadn’t been working in a professional capacity for long enough to have developed a significant nest egg.

Money was tight.

Mickie had millions at her disposal and would no doubt use every dollar to ensure Kayla stayed with JP. She could make it so Hannah’s family never laid eyes on the sweet girl ever again.

And who could blame her?

A dying woman tricked JP into getting her pregnant, and now the woman’s sister misled him again.

One more strike, and Hannah’s family would be out.

So, no, she couldn’t tell them who she was. Not now. But she could stick around town for a while and make as many memories with her niece as possible. The fact JP intrigued and attracted her had nothing to do with her desire to stay.


Her phone chimed. Then chimed again.

Without removing the pillow from her face, Hannah felt around for the offending device.

“Please don’t be from Mom,” she whispered as her hand made contact. After what felt like the hundredth sigh of the morning, she sat up.

A few texts from Ronnie awaited her.

“Oh, thank God.”

Found a necklace on M’s couch. Not mine or Mickie’s. Yours? At my house now. Stop by whenever.

She lifted a hand to her neck where her favorite necklace typically rested. It wasn’t there. A picture followed the text. Yep, that was her necklace.

Looked like she’d be swinging by Ronnie’s. Her lips curled at the notion of having another chance to catch a glimpse of Kayla. Too bad a giant storm cloud hovered above her head, just waiting to unleash a bolt of lightning and fry her for her lies.

Maybe later, she’d find the strength and courage to work on a way out of the mess she’d created. But for now, she’d concentrate on memorizing every detail about her darling niece.

Be there in 30.



Why else would someone ring the doorbell the second JP got the yogurt-covered, slippery-as-hell baby into the bathtub when he was the only one home?

He hopped to his feet then started for the bathroom door. After one step, he glanced back at the tub where Kayla sat in a few inches of water, happily splashing away.

“Shit, I can’t leave you in here, can I?” he grumbled to her smiling face. Over the last twenty-four hours, he’d learned she could sit on her own but every so often lost her balance. Combine the instability with the wet tub, and she’d most likely topple over and drown if he left.

Score one point for a sliver of parental instinct kicking in.


Maybe she would make it to her first birthday without some catastrophic injury.

The doorbell rang again, this time followed by a knock. How the hell did people manage all this shit at once?


His child was going to be the one who dropped the f-bomb in preschool, for sure. He snatched her towel off the counter then lifted her out of the tub. Water sloshed all over the floor. Kayla gave a squawk of protest, but as soon as he started running for the front door, her anger turned to giggles.

Damn, that sound really was too cute for words.

“Coming!” he shouted as water soaked into his shirt and jeans. He hadn’t even begun to wash Kayla when the visitor arrived. Gooey vanilla yogurt covered her hands and face.

Not that she cared.

Another knock.

“Keep your pants on,” he muttered as he yanked the door open. His eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight of the gorgeous woman on his doorstep. “Or don’t.”

“What?” Hannah blinked up at him with the most adorable furrow in her brow. “Did you say something?”

Holy crap, the universe sure as fuck hated him. She looked too yummy for words standing there in a snug coral tank top, short denim cutoffs, and flip-flops. Pink tipped toes peeked up him. And those smooth, bare shoulders just begging for his mouth?

JP bit off a groan. “Sorry, no. I didn’t say anything.” Though she wasn’t tall, her legs were shapely and looked as silky as the rest of her skin. The kind of skin he’d love to run his tongue all over from ankle to thigh.

But of course, there’d be no licking as he was soaking wet and holding a filthy baby. A baby who chose that moment to let out a happy but ear-piercing shriek.

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