Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2) - Page 32

Hannah’s nose wrinkled. “Well, I don’t want to embarrass you, but you have some yogurt in your eyebrow. Looks like it dried and probably not too comfortable.” Her lips twitched, and her eyes sparkled as though trying to keep from laughing.

“What?” Yogurt in his eyebrow?

He ran a hand over his crunchy eyebrow. “Fuck.” How could he have missed that?

Hannah giggled. “I can sit with Kayla while you jump in the shower.” She stepped into the room. “I’ve got plenty of experience with h—with babies. I’ll have her squeaky clean in no time.”

That hopeful smile of hers made it impossible to decline the offer. Even if he’d be showering alone. Rising to his feet, he stepped forward until she had to crane her neck to look up at him. “Thanks,” he said.

Her cheeks flushed, her eyes warmed, and she swallowed. Shyness? Lust?

Whatever it was, he couldn’t resist running a finger over the soft skin of her cheek.

Hannah sucked in a breath.

“She sits pretty well,” he said. “But she loves to splash, so you may get…wet.”

Her eyes flared wide. “I, uh, that’s fine. Don’t worry about me.” She looked everywhere but at his face. “I’m just glad I can, uh, help out.”

After tapping Hannah on the nose, he turned back to Kayla, who was still sending water flying all over. “Be good for Miss Hannah, you hear me?”

All he got in return was a string of baby babble.

As he jogged down the stairs toward his room, he chuckled. “Miss Hannah?” he mumbled. “Jesus.” A week ago, he’d have been more than happy to call her Miss Hannah himself. Maybe they could have done a little professor and naughty student role play. Hell yeah, he could imagine her in a tight pencil skirt with her hair tied in a prim knot on the top of her head and librarian glasses on the tip of her nose. Maybe a set of heels to accentuate those sexy legs.

Instead, he was calling her Miss Hannah, so his infant daughter would eventually learn to use the title as a sign of respect. Shit, what the hell had happened to his life? It’d become unrecognizable in a matter of days.

And wasn’t that depressing as fuck.

He stepped into the bathroom he was lucky enough not to share with any of his siblings, peeled his shirt off, and tossed it on the floor. Next went the pants. Then he turned the shower to warm.

Had he brushed his teeth that morning? Who the hell could remember when he’d been awakened at five by a hungry baby? He cupped a hand over his mouth and breathed out. Not bad. At least he wouldn’t have killed Hannah if he’d been lucky enough to get his mouth on her.

By the time he finished brushing and flossing, steam rose from behind the fogged shower door. He groaned as the hot water hit his tired body. Whoever said having kids was exhausting hadn’t been shitting anyone.

As he let the water unknot the tension in his back, he allowed his mind to take a journey back in time.

He called up a memory of a night only two weeks ago. After working a long day at his brother’s garage, he’d met up with friends at a bar. They’d laughed and drank without a care in the world. The actual events of the night faded away, replaced by a fantasy in which he’d met Hannah at that very bar.

Damn, that would have been nice.

He wouldn’t have hesitated to buy her a drink if only to watch those cheeks turn pink. She’d have thanked him in that reserved way she had about her. He’d have winked and asked if he could take the seat next to her.

Would she have bitten that bottom lip of hers and nodded? Yeah, that’s precisely what she’d have done.

His cock sure liked this scenario. It’d plumped and practically begged for attention. Not one to ignore his favorite body part, JP wrapped a fist around his dick and gave a few rough tugs. Hannah’s face stayed front and center in his mind, only now they’d left the bar and were on their way to her Airbnb.

Would they have made it to her bedroom before tearing each other’s clothes off?

Nah, he wouldn’t have been able to keep his hands off her. She’d be hungry for him too. The shy ones always were.

He imagined her sinking to her knees, taking his jeans with her, a half shy, half adventurous gleam in her eyes.

“Shit,” he cursed as he thought of the intense pleasure of that first touch of her mouth to his cock. His hand flew over his dick, jerking with harsh, uncoordinated strokes. His balls tightened as a coil low in his belly drew them up and prepared them to unload.

Fantasy Hannah opened her mouth and drew him deep inside.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024