Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2) - Page 51

“Thank you.”

JP slung an arm across her shoulders. She stiffened then forced herself to relax. Her own family hadn’t been overly demonstrative, and neither were her friends. This group was constantly hugging, roughhousing, kissing, and generally being affectionate with each other. While she enjoyed their vibe, it took some getting used to. With each embrace, she grew more comfortable with their demonstrative ways. By the time she returned to Colorado, she’d miss it.

And so many other things.

Mary Anne would have loved them. If she hadn’t passed, would she have been the one here with the Bensons at some point? Would she have eventually sought out JP and formed a small family unit?

Her stomach lurched.

What kind of person was jealous of a nonexistent relationship their dead sister had?

Being in Vermont was messing with her head and heart.

“Yo! Where is everybody?” Keith’s voice came from the den.

“Kitchen,” Ronnie shouted back.

“Hey!” JP grabbed an orange off a bowl on the counter and threw it at his sister. It bounced off her shoulder.


“Stop fucking shouting. Kayla’s asleep.”

“Oh,” Jagger said with a laugh. “Daddy’s gonna send you to your room if you’re too loud, Ron.”

“Jesus,” JP mumbled under his breath before he dove for Jagger. They mock wrestled while Ronnie shook her head.

“Come on,” she said as she weaved her way around her brothers. “Let’s claim a seat.” She looped her arm through Hannah’s. “They’ll be along in a few minutes.”

With a final peek over her shoulder, Hannah allowed Ronnie to lead her away. By the time they reached the den, Mickie and Keith had already claimed a corner of the couch and were locked in a passionate kiss.

Hannah couldn’t help but stare while Ronnie made vomiting noises. They were gorgeous together. So clearly in love and always wanting to be close.


“Oh, sorry,” Mickie said as she pulled back. Her face turned pink, and she wiped lipstick off Keith’s mouth. “Didn’t hear you come in.”

“Cleary,” Ronnie said with a huff.

Hannah was somewhat in awe of Mickie, and not for her prior news-worthy status. It took incredible strength to walk away from something that had such a strong hold. For Mickie, it’d been drugs, fame, and glory. For Hannah, it was her parents’ expectations and the fear of causing them harm. The guilt trips and worry over her parents’ wellbeing was as powerful a chain around her neck as any drug. Somehow Mickie had found the courage to walk away from her captor, and Hannah found that more admirable and inspiring than any award she’d won or the millions she’d made. Maybe someday, Hannah would be lucky enough to learn more of Mickie’s story and how she changed her life.


There she went, weaving a future where none existed.

These people weren’t her friends. At least they wouldn’t be when they found out who she really was. Lied to by the Briggs sisters. Tricked, deceived, and had their lives blown apart. Yeah, this close-knit family would boot her out on her rump as soon as they found out, which had to be sooner rather than later. The more time she spent with them, the more the guilt of deception ate at her. Yet on the flip side, she was so terrified of losing Kayla, she hadn’t mustered the courage to confess her identity.

Her reticence had nothing to do with the way JP looked at her sometimes.

The way he was looking at her now as he stood in the opening to the den. As though he wanted her.

Nothing to do with that.


Her damn conscience had always been overactive. Hence the reason she’d shown up in Vermont in the first place. Her parents were masters of the guilt trip.

“Move your ass, Ron. That’s my spot,” JP said as he strode into the room. He had a beer in one hand and a bowl full of chips in the other.

“No way. I was here first. Get your own seat.”

“Suit yourself.” He plopped down right onto Ronnie’s lap. The cushion next to Hannah sagged with the weight of two grown adults, sending her careening into the siblings.

“Jesus, get the fuck off me,” Ronnie said as she shoved JP’s back.

Hannah giggled then pushed off the ridiculous pair.

“Ahh.” JP wiggled around as though settling in for the long haul.

“All right, you can have the damn seat. Just get your bony ass off me. You’re such a child. Like, seriously, did your brain stop maturing at thirteen?” Ronnie gave him one last push, which had him hopping off her. She grabbed her wine glass, stood, then stuck her tongue out at him before taking a seat in an overstuffed chair.

Barking out a laugh, JP sat down. “Cuz you’re a prime example of adulthood.”

Ronnie flipped him off.

Hannah watched, enraptured as always by the banter between them.

“Are you sick of our shit yet, Hannah?” Keith asked. Of all of them, he was the one who intimidated her the most. A perpetual scowl lived on his bearded face unless Mickie was in touching distance. Then he softened, but only towards her. To the rest of the world, at least in Hannah’s opinion, he had a resting growly face. But beneath the mug, he’d been as kind as the rest of them.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024