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Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2)

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Though she probably made the same sweet expression at all babies, he’d swear she gazed at Kayla with love in her eyes.

“I think she’s asleep. And I should probably go get some sleep as well.”

Asking her to stay was on the tip of his tongue, but he bit it off. No woman had ever slept in his bed. Ever. Hell, he rarely even brought a woman home to fuck—only if there weren’t any other viable options. With how many of his siblings lived there, someone was always ready to ask questions or be annoying as hell to a “guest.”

No, he’d see Hannah to the door and wish her a goodnight like a proper gentleman. Then he’d head to his bed to rub one out before his balls got so blue, they up and died from lack of blood flow.

The thought had him shivering.

Seriously, when had he gone so long without sex? Had to be more than a decade. By the time he got laid again, he’d forget how it worked.

“I’ll put her down.” He rose from the floor then made his way to the rocking chair. As Hannah handed the sleeping baby over, her arms brushed the length of his. Electricity skittered across his skin.

Christ, maybe he just needed to fuck her and get it over with. He’d been holding back both because of Kayla but also the confounding feelings Hannah stirred up in him. But maybe all those feelings only arose because it’d been weeks since he’d touched a woman. With anyone else, once he’d had them a time or two, he lost interest. That’s what he needed here. To fuck her out of his system as was his typical MO. His cock certainly liked that idea.

He turned from her and laid Kayla down in her crib on her back. At some point, she’d roll to her stomach, but he’d read the morbid statistics on SIDS and it’d terrified him, so he was careful to always set her on her back.

When he turned back, Hannah was no longer behind him. After a final peek at Kayla, he shut her door and made his way back to the den. Hannah stood near the door with her shoes on, and purse slung over her shoulder. Well, there went his chance for an orgasm. At least one not provided by his hand. Asking his siblings to watch Kayla so he could go out and hook up felt shady, even for him.

“Thanks for letting me stick around and feed Kayla. I loved it,” she said in a low voice. Her blond hair seemed to glow in the low light of the den. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

JP was struck with an almost overwhelming urge to touch her. To taste her. Even if only this one time. He strode forward, nearly cheering at the way her eyes flared when he got close. It wasn’t fear. Uncertainty, maybe, but definitely interest.

He cupped her face between his hands. She immediately grabbed his wrists but didn’t push him away. She held on instead. “JP,” she whispered as she sucked in a breath.

God, those lips. Those pink, unglossed lips that had been tempting him for days. Fuck it. He deserved a taste for being such a damn gentleman around her.

She let him pull her close until their mouths met. Christ, she was as soft as she looked. Hannah gasped, and he took full advantage, sneaking his tongue between her lips. Sweet wine and a hint of chocolate hit his tastebuds and overwhelmed his senses.

Her grip on his wrists tightened as though to keep him in place. They explored each other in a kiss unlike any other. This wasn’t a prelude to ripping each other’s clothes off for a quickie. They had time. No one would interrupt them. So they each took it.

He played with her, teasing his tongue against hers then darting away, so she had to give chase. He nipped her lips with gentle brushes of his teeth, and he tasted every corner of her mouth.

Delicious wasn’t strong enough a word to describe her flavor; intoxicating was more accurate. He felt drunk off her yet craved more. His skin tingled, and sparks of pleasure zinged along his nerve endings. His cock filled and ached with a fierce desire to get in on the action, but he kept his hips apart from hers and enjoyed this for what it was.

A first kiss.

Maybe an only kiss.

Hannah let out a small mewl of pleasure, maybe frustration, then moved closer. She pressed against him, torso to torso, and he lost the ability to keep from grinding his cock into her soft stomach. She squeaked but didn’t pull away. Instead, the kiss grew hungrier until they were all but devouring each other.

Her blunt nails dug into the tender skin of his wrists, but he didn’t give a fuck. He’d wear her brand with pride. Hell, maybe he’d get those crescent gouges tattooed into his skin to remind him of the hottest kiss of his life.

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