Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2) - Page 60

More JP.

Her skin prickled with the need to have his hands on her, and the man didn’t disappoint. He hauled her as close as she could possibly get with their clothing between them, then slid his hands under her shirt. As soon as those large, rough palms coasted over her back, electricity blazed across every surface of her skin.

She shivered as waves of energy pulsed from beneath his fingers.

“God,” he whispered against her lip once they came up for air. “You taste so fucking good.”

She tasted good? Kissing him was like tasting the sun, so hot it scorched, yet she couldn’t get enough. Instead of answering, she reached up, threaded her fingers through his hair, and pulled him back down to her. A split-second before their lips crashed together again, she flexed her fingers against his scalp, loving the way the strands of hair felt between her fingers. His eyes rolled back.

“Fuuuck,” he whispered.

Hannah smiled that secret, proud smile she imagined all women smiled when they made a man like JP moan in pleasure.

With his mouth still firmly attached to hers, he walked them out of Kayla’s room and down the hallway. At one point, her back met the wall, and JP took full advantage of the position.

He pulled her hands from his hair and held them against the wall at her sides.

Unable to use her hands, she arched into him. The hard ridge of his erection pressed into her core.

They both groaned at the same time before JP jerked his lower half away. “Too good,” he mumbled. “Can’t have you doing that just yet, or I might come in my pants like I did that one time I was fourteen.”

She giggled, but it quickly morphed into a low moan as his lips found a sensitive crevice on her neck.

“Oooh, a sweet spot,” he said as he sucked right where he’d made her tremble seconds before.

Her knees buckled, she gripped his hands so tightly her knuckles ached, and she canted her head to the left to give him all the access to that spot he wanted.

“Greedy,” he muttered on a chuckle.


He kissed up the side of her neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps. When he reached her jaw, he nipped, making her yelp. The barrage of new sensations overwhelmed her. She’d stepped, no jumped, so far out of her neat box of rules and caution, she wasn’t sure she’d ever find her way back inside.

She turned her head, and their eyes met. Her breath caught in her throat at the brazen lust staring at her. Having an experienced, sexy man like JP want her was a thrill like no other. Before she knew it, they were kissing once again.

That look in his eyes made her confidence soar. She might not have a fraction of his experience, but he didn’t seem to care about that at all.

Before long, the restraint of her hands grew maddening. Wriggling, she tried to pry free of his grip, but he held her firm. “Please,” she ground out on a frustrated sigh.

He gave her a smirk that made her thighs quiver. “Please, what?”

“I want to touch you, too.”

“Long as you don’t complain if I shoot off like it’s my first time.” He grinned like a sly fox.

First time. God, he had no idea it was hers—if sex was where they were headed. And she was pretty sure it was. Would she hold up to his expectations? Could she dare hope to live up to his previous experiences?

He released her, and she shoved her hands under his shirt, needing to feel the warmth residing there. His stomach was flat, with ridges of muscle. Not a six-pack—he was too lean for that—but the man still had visible strength.

“Jesus,” he bit out as she stroked her hands all over his abdomen and chest. “I need you fucking horizontal, now.” He kissed her once, twice, hell they made out against the wall before he grabbed her hand and led her down the stairs to his room.

She hadn’t been there before and would have stopped to soak in JP’s space at any other time. But right then, she was too needy for more of his heated skin.

“On the bed,” he said. “Clothes on. I want to peel them off you.”

That confirmed where the night was heading. For the first time, a zing of trepidation ran through her. How far was she willing to take this? As Hannah, the twenty-five-year-old virgin, or Hannah, the sister of Kayla’s mother and the woman lying to JP? Either way, she needed to put an end to this no matter how far down this rabbit hole she’d already fallen.

Stopping now might kill her, and not only because her body was dying to feel him inside her. To have this incredible man be her first. But because she felt a connection to him that she hadn’t had before. Physical, yes, but something more. Something deeper.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024