Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2) - Page 62

Her parents would look at his past and lose their minds. They’d worry themselves sick, fearing he’d repeat the vicious pattern of his father. But she only saw his devotion to Kayla and willingness to step up to the plate as strengths of his character.

“I’ve never had that,” she whispered, giving him a piece of her soul. “I envy you that freedom. But I admire you so much for giving it up for Kayla.” She’d lived in an invisible prison created by her adherence to her rigid parents’ desires, whereas he’d chosen his own way. Yet their paths had merged, bringing them both to this point. Bonded by deception, obligation, and family loyalty.

But she couldn’t tell him any of those things. Not without destroying the moment. So she flattened her hands on his chest, lifted onto her toes, offered him her mouth, and tried to ignore her conscience.

He met her halfway with a kiss that reached into her very soul. Sweeter than the others, she reveled in the light, almost reverent kiss. The tenderness didn’t last too long, thank God. It made her think dangerous thoughts about futures and promises. Impossible dreams.

She wasn’t sure which of them ramped it up. It could have been either of them. She felt too raw, sitting on her mountain of lies, to allow such softness from him. She didn’t deserve it. Keeping this hungry and turbulent was far safer.

He groaned into her mouth and guided her to his queen-sized bed. When her legs hit the mattress, she broke the kiss and scooted on her back toward the center of the headboard. He followed, crawling over to her.

Hannah swallowed. This was it.

JP grabbed the edges of her shirt and lifted. She sat up, allowing him to remove her top. For a moment, she stared at him as he stared at her breasts encased in a simple magenta push-up bra. Her heart raced. She hadn’t been this vulnerable with a man in a very long time and had barely gone beyond this point.

“Damn,” he whispered.

If she hadn’t known better, she’d almost believe he hadn’t slept with many, many women. His expression, his tone. It all came across as so sincere. As though he was truly awed by her body when he probably said the same to every woman he’d been with. She’d be smart to remember that.

Though it all muddied in her head the second he bent forward and kissed the swell of one breast.

Hannah gasped and fell back onto his pillows. He moved with her, pressing his weight onto her. She wanted to cry at the delicious feeling of his body lined up along hers, but she barely had time to process the new sensation before he added another to the mix.

With a low growl, he shoved her bra up and off her breasts. Cool air hit her nipples, puckering them instantly. Or maybe it was the deep desire coiling her belling that made them bead up and ache like never before.

“I want to taste every inch of you,” he said in a voice she’d not yet heard from him—rough, gravelly, full of need.

For her.

His mouth closed around one nipple, pulling it with a hot, wet suction that curled her toes.

She grabbed for his head, catching his hair in her hands. While she’d meant to push him away to give herself a moment to catch her breath, she held him closer instead. He used his tongue to play with her nipple until she had to bite her tongue to keep from crying out. Then his fingers went to the other breast, treating that nipple to pinching and little tugs that had her squirming beneath him.

“JP,” she finally said on a gasp when the tension in her grew too tight.

He chuckled as he lifted his head.

She’d done a number on his hair. It stuck out in all directions. His mouth had a shiny glow to it and a smug smirk.

Keeping his gaze on hers, he kissed a slow, torturous trail down her stomach. It quivered beneath his lips. Every kiss wound her insides tighter with anticipation.

Hannah clenched her fists at her sides then squeaked when he tongued her belly button. New sensations bombarded her from all angles. She tried to rein in her response and get her brain to kick in. With each kiss, he drew closer to her leggings and an experience she’d never had. He’d been so incredible, she owed him the truth before he found out in an awkward way.

Part of her worried he’d call it quits, and she’d be forced to drive back to her rental frustrated and humiliated. Still, she needed to reveal her secret.

Well, one of them.

I’m a virgin.

Say it.

Tell him.

I’m a virgin.

He reached for her waist band with a wicked gleam in his eye. “You have any idea how many times I’ve jacked myself off to thoughts of this moment since I’ve met you?”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024