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Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2)

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Nodding, Hannah said. “Okay, that all sounds doable. What do you need from me?”

“I have nothing. No medication, no bulb snot thingie, and none of that drink she mentioned. Would you mind running to the drugstore for me? I’m so sorry to ask you to do this so late. I think there is one close by that’s open twenty-four-seven.”

Hannah smiled at the frazzled man. How was it that even in his most freaked out state, he was more attractive than any other man she’d met? She pointed to the bag on the coffee table. “I’m one step ahead of you, actually.” Her face burned, and she averted her gaze. “Uh, she got sick twice when Mary Anne was alive. I had to give her all those same things.”

It’d been one time she thanked her worrywart of a mother. Even before Kayla was born, she stocked up on every pediatric medication, safety device, and first aid item on the market.

“I did a mad dash through the drugstore on my way here. It’s why it took me a few minutes longer than usual.”

Mentioning Mary Anne felt akin to dropping a bomb in a peaceful park, but JP seemed to have forgotten all about their awkward situation. As soon as Kayla was feeling better, he’d probably toss her out on her ass again, but for now, he was able to put it aside for the sake of his baby.

JP held out his hands for his daughter. After reluctantly handing Kayla over, Hannah grabbed the bag and pulled out the items he’d mentioned. She’d purchased a few other things as well, wanting to make sure she didn’t miss anything they might have needed. “Okay, let’s get the medication in her first. I’ll get the shower heating up while you get her some of this electrolyte drink, then you can sit in the bathroom with her for a while.”

He blinked at her, relief written all over his face. “Jesus, you’re an angel,” he said as he settled Kayla in the safe and strong cradle of his arms. “I could kiss you right no—”

Their gazes met. Hannah sucked in a breath. The world seemed to stop rotating as they stared at each other. Was he recalling the way they were together? How desperate they’d been for each other’s kisses. It’d been on her mind every hour since she’d last left this house.

Kayla cried out. As though a bucket of ice had been dumped on them, the spell broke.

“Um…” Hannah cleared her throat. This man affected her in ways she struggled to deal with. “How much medicine did she say to give her?”

JP glanced up from Kayla.

“She said to follow the chart on the back of the package. She’s about fifteen pounds, so go by that.”

“Right.” She knew that. Being so close to him was short-circuiting her brain. Hannah followed the chart and dosed the medicine into the dropper. Together they managed to get most of the medication into Kayla and only a small amount on her. Afterward, Hannah turned the shower on while JP worked on getting Kayla to drink a bottle.

As she waited for steam to fill the bathroom, she sat on the closed toilet lid and let herself breathe for the first time since JP called almost an hour ago.

So many emotions bounced around inside her, colliding and trying to take over.

Fear, worry, trepidation, relief. All the expected feelings when one was dealing with an unfamiliar situation and someone with whom they had a strained relationship. What took her by surprise and seemed to come from nowhere was the lust, longing, and loneliness that hit her just being in JP’s presence.

The man hated her, and there she was pining for him, wishing he would kiss her and wanting to pick up exactly where they’d left off right before she blurted out Mary Anne’s name four days ago. If all she’d wanted was something physical, these feelings would have been easier to deal with, but JP appealed to her on so many levels. Though his life was in a season of transition and growth—one of the many reasons she shouldn’t be thinking along these lines—JP made her smile. He made her feel light and fun.

And sexy.

He cared about his daughter so much more than he realized. He’d changed his entire life around for her already. One day, he’d wake up and realize what an incredible man he was. Too bad she wouldn’t be around to witness it. Hopefully, whatever lucky woman he ended up with would be deserving of him.

Hannah wasn’t. He’d made that perfectly clear.

With a small groan, she dropped her head to her hands.

JP cleared his throat, making her jump and then whip her gaze in his direction.

He stood in the bathroom with his back to the door, holding Kayla and still wearing nothing but those damn black boxer briefs. They outlined his assets in a way that had her fingers itching to explore—an urge she’d never experienced with another man. Something about him made her want to burst out of her safe box and soak up every part of life she’d missed. Starting with his naked body.

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