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Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2)

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He nipped her jaw, then inhaled the scent he’d recognize in a sea of a thousand other women. A little sweet, a little spicy, and all Hannah.

When she moaned, he caught her earlobe between his teeth and gave a gentle tug at the same time he tickled his fingers on her thighs along the hem of her dress. Hannah shuddered and gripped his sides. “Love when you touch me,” she whispered.

“Mmm. How about we forget going out? I can take you to my room. Feed you there. Dance with you there. We can dance on my bed, against the wall, over my dresser. Fuck the club.”

He was certain she was about to agree when a “Hell no, John Paul Benson. You are not messing up my night out to satisfy your penis,” reached his ears.

With a groan, he turned his head to look at the intruder. Mickie stood with her arms crossed and a smug smirk on her perfectly made-up face. “You know you’re evil, right?”

She shrugged. “Where’s my man?”

“Probably hiding from you,” JP grumbled.

Face even pinker than before, Hannah swatted his shoulder. “Play nice,” she said.

He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against him. “Pretty sure I was playing very nice until this one barged in.” A well-placed play-bite on her neck had Hannah giggling.

“Ahh, young love,” Mickie said. “Don’t worry about me. I know my way around.”

Keith had decided to shower and get ready over here instead of his own house. And decided meant he’d been forced to leave his home so Mickie and Ronnie could have their way with Hannah. Not that he was complaining. The result had been well worth not seeing her for the hours she’d been held captive by the ladies in his family.

“Now,” he said when Mickie had disappeared. “Where were we?”

“Hmm.” Hannah pursed her lips then tilted her head. “I believe you were right here,” she said, tapping a red-tipped nail against her pulse point. “But I’ve been here a few minutes now and have yet to receive a proper kiss.”

Damn, playful Hannah was fun.

“Well, shit. That oversight is entirely my fault. Let me fix that right now.” He grabbed two handfuls of her ass and yanked her flush against him, making her yelp, then laugh. Or start to laugh, most of it he swallowed up with his hungry mouth.

He was betting tonight would end up being one of the best of his life.


DINNER WAS A blast. They’d driven about forty-five minutes away to a steak house that had JP’s mouth watering before they’d entered the building. The meat was cooked perfectly, sides hit the spot, and the two glasses of wine Hannah had consumed made her flirty and affectionate.

The perfect start to the night.

Mickie had handled all the evening’s details. She’d booked the reservation, chosen the club, and driven since she no longer drank. That left JP and Hannah free to let loose and have fun. Something he hadn’t done since before Kayla landed in his lap. Seeing Hannah chill and bubbly was a treat as well.

She’d made it clear she’d never been to a nightclub like this—an upscale venue with two lines at the door. One short line for VIPs and one for the rest of the world. With Mickie at the helm, it didn’t take a psychic to predict which line they were cruising down.

Hand in hand, Mickie and Keith walked in front of him and Hannah. She clasped his hand in a vice grip, letting him know nerves ran below the put-together exterior.

“You good?” he asked. Women eyed him from their places in the general admission line. Though it made him sound like a douche, he was used to it and typically reveled in it. Most of the time, he had his pick of the pack. They loved his tattoos, his potty mouth, and his skill in bed. Ronnie called it is rough-around-the-edges-charm. Whatever it was, it worked for him. Tonight, however, he only had eyes for Hannah and wished the skimpily dressed women on the hunt would keep their gazes to themselves.

“Yeah,” she said, squeezing his hand. “Just a little out of my element. And uh, you sure attract a lot of attention. Maybe you should have borrowed some of Mickie’s magical coverup to hide your tattoos. I think they’re making all these women stupid.”

He let out a loud laugh, drawing even more attention. “Does that include you?”

“I’m probably the stupidest of all,” she murmured.

“Hey.” He stopped walking and wrapped an arm around her waist. Her soft curves molded against him in all the right places, making him want to back her against the side of the building and finish what he’d started back at the house. “Forget everyone else. Just you and me dancing tonight. Okay?”

“We’ve lived very different lives, JP.”

“Maybe. But my life has changed since I became a father.” The words still tasted so strange on his tongue. “Promise I’m only looking at one woman here tonight. Lucky for me, she happens to be the prettiest.”

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