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Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2)

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She needed to squash that kind of thinking immediately. The only thing a future with JP would consist of was visiting Kayla for holidays. No togetherness, no family, no love.


Was she falling in love with the man?

As she gazed up into his hooded eyes, her stomach flipped.

Please don’t fall in love with him.

She had to keep it what it was. Physical chemistry and friendship. It was the only way to keep from destroying her family.

That first part came easily as she’d never felt attraction like she experienced for him. She wanted him all the time. It was as if some perpetually sex-starved woman had taken control of her body.

The song ended, and another kicked up. This one was faster and with a spicy Latin beat. JP grinned, winked, then spun her out before pulling back in.

“You got some moves,” she shouted over the music.

He bobbed his eyebrows. “Stick with me, baby.”

She’d never danced to this type of music and had no idea what she was doing, but JP was a confident and skilled leader.

“It’s salsa,” he said against her ear. “It’s a four-count, but only three steps. Watch my feet.”

After watching for a few seconds, she mimicked his steps.

“There you go!” He grinned at her, and her stomach fluttered with pleasure. “Now, just keep doing that while I lead you around.”

Right. She could handle that.

He twirled her around and led her across the dance floor with ease and skill. Hannah followed the best she could but stepped on his toes a time or two.

Or ten.

Not that he seemed to care, so she didn’t stress over it either. In fact, she was having the time of her life. Everything about the night, from the food to the conversation at the restaurant to being in JP’s arms, had been perfection.

The music slowed again, and he pulled her close once more. This time a sultry beat had their hips shifting back and forth in a near grind.

Her nipples tightened, aching in the way only JP could satiate. JP shifted his feet. One of his thighs nestled between her legs and pushed right against her sex. Her eyes closed, and she rocked against him, putting much-needed pressure on her clit.

God, it felt good, but she wanted more. She wanted to wrap her legs around his and ride his thigh until she came. Her thong was so soaked, she could feel wetness seeping out onto her thighs. The man was too sexy for his own good and drove her insane.

When she opened her eyes, she found him gazing down at her with a dark, ravenous expression. If it weren’t for the other people in the club, she had no doubt he’d throw her to the ground and devour her.

And she’d beg him for it.

His hands slid down her back, landing on her backside. He squeezed, and she nearly moaned out loud. There they were in the middle of a crowded dance club, and she was seconds away from pleading with him to hike up her dress and take her against the bar.

What was happening to her? Whatever it was, she loved it and wasn’t sure she wanted to give it up.


Her breathing sped up along with her heart. Blood pounded in her ears, making her lightheaded. She licked her lips and thrilled at the way his eyes tracked the movement.

“Fuck,” he mouthed as he drew closer.

She thought he was about to kiss her but instead pressed his lips to her ear.

“You are so goddammed sexy,” he whispered, making her knees wobble. “I need you, Hannah. Now.”

She needed him too. So much. And right then. But where could they go? The car? Outside? She wasn’t exactly up for putting on a live sex show. But if they could find a private corner…

Who are you?

She was a woman discovering a new side of herself.

She gasped as an idea hit her. “Mickie said we have a private room. Something for VIPS,” she said in his ear.

“Fuck. You’re right.” He grabbed her hand, and together they weaved through the dance floor. When he reached Mickie, he spoke to her quickly and nodded at what she said in return. Hannah didn’t stand a chance at hearing, so she worked to pretend Mickie didn’t know exactly why JP wanted the room. Mickie winked and gave her a thumbs up as she passed.

Maybe she should be embarrassed, but her sex throbbed, and her stomach coiled with need. Lust filled her brain, blocking out any room for embarrassment.

The further they got from the dance floor, the lower the music sounded. Before long, they were walking down a moderately quiet hallway with six doors. JP took her to the furthest on the left.

As soon as they stepped inside, he turned and shoved her against the wall. She barely had time to register the low mood lighting, the champagne chilling on a low oval table, and the plush, velvet seating before his mouth was on her neck. Then her jaw. Then her ear.

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