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Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2)

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“JP,” she said in a needy, pleading tone she’d never heard from herself.

“Let go, baby. Come all over my face. Let me taste all that delicious juice.”

God, his dirty mouth.

He curled his fingers forward and sucked her clit. Hannah couldn’t have held off if she tried. Stars danced before her eyes. The VIP room disappeared, and all she knew was complete and total euphoria.

Just as she started to come down from the climax, he squeezed her ass and ran his tongue around her clit. She tugged his hair so hard he’d probably need plugs as a second orgasm ripped through her with brutal strength.

“JP!” She screamed. It was so all-consuming, she almost feared it.

“I got you, baby,” he said, and even in the throes of a world-changing orgasm, she caught the smug tone of his voice.

Eventually, her body calmed. “I’m pretty sure I took flight,” she said, panting as she rested her forehead against the wall.

“That makes two of us, babe.” JP urged her down onto his lap. She straddled him, resting her head on his chest as he wrapped her in a sweaty embrace. There they sat, him with his pants around his ankles and her with her skirt rucked up around her waist, for long moments as they came back to earth.

He stroked his hands over the bare skin of her upper back. If Mickie and Keith had left them there, she could have happily stayed in that moment forever.

But of course, life didn’t work that way. A phone buzzed from JP’s pants where’d he’d been keeping them in his pockets.

“Hmm, think Mickie and Keith are getting restless?”

She laughed. “Maybe. Think it’s yours or mine?”

“I’m gonna guess yours,” he said. “Don’t move. I’ll get it.”

She stayed right where she was as he rooted around for one of their phones.

“Yep, yours,” he said as he held up a phone.

“Oh, it’s not Mickie.” He frowned. “Looks like it’s your parents. Why would they be texting so late?”

“They’re not very happy with me right now,” she said as she straightened and reached for the phone. He handed it over with a concerned frown. “They were serious about me finding a way to help them get custody of Kayla.”

“Fuck that. So what are they doing? Sending you guilt texts?”

“Pretty much.” She opened her phone and pulled up the text. As she read it, her heart sank through the ground and all the wonderful effects of their spectacular night disappeared in a cloud of despair.

“Shit, babe, is it that bad? Your face just crumbled.” JP put an arm around her. “May I read it?”

Her knee-jerk reaction was to stuff the phone in her pocket and keep it as far from JP as possible, both to protect her family and him. But this skin-tight dress didn’t have pockets, and she was enjoying life out from under the heavy press of her parents’ thumb. Plus, she wanted JP to trust her. After lying to him for so long, she had some ground to make up. So she swallowed the stark embarrassment and handed over the phone.

He read the text aloud. “Each day you stay in Vermont with those baby stealers, you dishonor your sister. You might as well have killed her instead of that horrible disease. You have betrayed your family. When you are ready to help us get custody of Kayla, you’ll be welcome in our home again. Until then, you are no longer my daughter. Hannah, what the fuck? Has your mother been sending you shit like this all along?”

JP’s horrified face did nothing to help the tightness in her chest or the crack that split her heart in two.

“It hasn’t always been this bad. She’s escalating,” Hannah said. Tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. With one poorly timed text message, this went from being one of the most fantastic nights of her life to a complete disaster. A terrifying thought popped into her head. “JP, they have an attorney. What if they take you to court?”

He grunted. “Let them. What the hell are they going to say about me? I have tattoos? I’m unmarried? None of that matters in this day and age.”

She worried her lip. There were things an attorney could focus on. His lack of full-time employment, Mickie’s history, his father’s imprisonment. Would those factors be held against him, or was she stressing for nothing?

“Babe, why didn’t you tell me how bad it was?” The concern in his voice nearly broke her. She didn’t want that from him. Didn’t want to need it. Couldn’t they just erase the past two minutes and return to post-sex bliss? But no. Reality had intruded, and she’d left her time machine back home.

“You’re dealing with enough, JP. You don’t need my family’s drama.”

“Hannah, we’re a tea—we’re close. Of course, I’d want to know. I’m so sorry she’s doing this to you. You know she’s wrong, don’t you? You haven’t done anything to betray your sister or your family.”

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