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Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2)

Page 97

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“Of course. But…” He held up a finger. “But not if they are going to act toxic toward you or me and my family. That I won’t tolerate. They don’t have to love me, but they must accept me as Kayla’s father. That means accepting my family as well. If they can’t do that, if they continue to manipulate you or spew hatred toward you or anyone in my family, then they will not be permitted to have a relationship with Kayla. Protecting her from poisonous relationships—even within her family—is part of my job.”

Hannah blinked. Slowly, a grin crept up her face, erasing the melancholy. “Well, John Paul Benson, you sounded very much like a father who loves his daughter more than anything just then, did you know that?”

He huffed. “Don’t tell anyone. It’ll ruin my rep.”

“Thank you.” She cupped his face and kissed him softly.

Quick as a flash, he gripped the back of her head and held her right where he wanted her. They kissed and kissed but kept it light, lazy, and more bonding than arousing. Instead of shooting a sharp bolt of desire to his dick as her kisses had done earlier, these settled in his chest, making him…squishy.

And that made him feel, well, pretty fucked in the head because it was becoming obvious whatever he and Hannah shared, it was enough to make him reconsider his entire life.

A sharp rap on the door made them both jump. When the jiggling door handle followed, Hannah gasped and practically flew off his lap.

“Keep your fucking panties on,” JP called out as he climbed to his feet. He slapped a hand on the door just as it cracked open. “Not you,” he said with a wink for Hannah. “You can take yours off anytime.”

“Time’s up, little horny rabbits,” Mickie called out with a laugh.

JP rolled his eyes while Hannah straightened her dress then scrambled to smooth her hair back into place. “Oh, my God. This is so embarrassing. Do you think they gave us a time limit or something?”

Laughing, JP buttoned his jeans then stepped away from the door, which immediately burst open. Keith and Mickie tumbled into the room as though they’d been smashed up against the door.

“The hell are you two creepers doing?” JP asked as moved beside Hannah and slipped an arm around her waist.

“It’s time to go,” Keith said. “Now.” He snapped his fingers. “Some group of fucking college girls recognized Mickie and have been trying to snap a clear photo of her for the past twenty minutes. I’d rather not be here when their horde of social media friends show up.”

“Oh, fuck. Yeah, let’s go.” He’d been out with Mickie once shortly after Scarlett’s whereabouts were made public, and it’d been a nightmare and a half.

Mickie and Keith were already halfway out the door. They had to deal with this bullshit from time to time, unfortunately. “Ready, baby?” he asked as he took his arm off her waist and held out his hand.

Hannah clasped it, and together they hustled from the room in time to hear someone scream above the music. “Look! There’s Scarlett.”

“Fucking fans,” Keith growled.

It seemed as though every eye in the place turned their way. The mob of curious club-goers began to close in on them. People pointed, shouted for autographs, and bared body parts Mickie wouldn’t have any interest in signing.

Or Keith wouldn’t have any interest in her signing.

They had to get the fuck out of there before his grumpy older brother started brawling with every man leering at his woman.

“How are we gonna get through his crowd?” Hannah yelled.

“Like this.” JP turned and hauled Hannah into a fireman’s carry with a shoulder to her gut. She squealed, but it turned to laughter in a beat.

“You’re crazy!”

“You can’t run in those goddammed murder heels, so I’m carrying you. Leave no sexy woman behind, baby. You have no idea how psychotic a feeding frenzy of hungry Scarlett fans can get.”

“Well then, giddyup, boy,” Hannah said, laughing so hard he almost didn’t hear the words. But he sure felt the smack on his ass.

“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.” He sprinted for the door after Keith, who’d picked Mickie up in much the same way.

They made it to the car and out of the parking lot with minimal trauma. One fan threw himself in front of the car in some grand gesture of brainless adoration, but they hadn’t counted on Keith, who’d mow them down without a second’s thought. Especially if it was a man.

The poor guy ended up having to dive out of the way at the last second to avoid getting plowed down by Mickie’s Audi SUV.

“Wow,” Hannah said, glancing over her shoulder as Keith peeled out of the parking lot. One hand rested over her heart, which was probably beating as fast as his. “That was intense.” Her voice lowered. “But kinda fun in an adventurous way.”

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